Commission Session Minutes

 COMMISSION CHAIR SHANE M. ALDERSON                       November 13, 2024              





The Baker County Board of Commissioners met for the November 13, 2024, Special Commission Session. Present were Commissioner Christina Witham, and Commissioner Bruce A. Nichols.

1.      Call to Order/Invocation/Pledge of Allegiance

Commissioner Nichols called the meeting to order and led the pledge of allegiance.


2.      Agenda Changes/Additions to the Agenda

a.        Non-Represented Compensation/Benefit Review


3.      Citizen’s Participation

a.        None


4.      Review/Approval of Minutes

a.       None

5.      Scheduled Business


a.       Contract Review Board

1.      Transit: Federal Transit Administration (FTA) 5310 Bid Approval

Ms. Doni Bruland reported that the Transportation Advisory Committee met yesterday and voted to forward the application from Community Connections to the Commissioners for final approval. It was noted that there is $160,567.00 in FTA 5310 funds. Community Connection’s match will be $16,490.00. The total project cost is $177,057.00.


Commissioner Witham moved to approve the FTA 5310 Bid from Community Connection that includes $160,567.00 in 5310 funds and a match from Community Connections for $16,490.00 for a total project cost of $177,057.00.  Commissioner Nichols seconded the motion.  Motion carried.      


2.      OWEB FIP Sage Grouse Grant Request

Ms. Holly Kerns reported that Baker County is applying for a grant through OWEB as part of the Baker LIT FIP grant for funds to support a cultural survey that is required in order to complete a juniper removal project.  The juniper removal project has already been funded by United States Fish and Wildlife Services.  Ms. Kerns stated that a cultural survey is required for anything that disturbs the ground, including juniper burning.  There is concern about finding contractors to complete the cultural study and they are hoping to partner with OWEB on this aspect.  Mr. David Spaugh, of Sumpter Valley, requested to be notified of meetings.


Commissioner Witham moved to approve the OWEB FIP Sage Grouse Grant Request in the amount of $57,750.00.  Commissioner Nichols seconded the motion.  Motion carried. 


b.      Greater Idaho Discussion

Mr. Matt McCaw was present, via Zoom, to discuss the Greater Idaho movement, which is seeking to move the border between Oregon and Idaho to include certain Eastern Oregon Counties. In 2023, the legislature opened the discussion.  Since then, there have been thirteen additional counties that have joined the movement.  Crook County is the most recent county to adopt the movement.  Mr. McCaw reported that Baker County’s measure to change the Greater Idaho meeting dates did not pass. He reported that there will be a new Oregon Senator, Senator McClain, and suggested the Commissioners send a letter of support to him as well as the Association of Eastern Oregon Counties. Commissioner Nichols noted that at an Eastern Oregon Counties Association meeting, he recalls them letting this be a matter discussed by each individual county and the Eastern Oregon Counties Association may not make a formal statement in favor or opposition of this.  Following this discussion, David Spaugh, of Sumpter Valley, questioned how many of the Eastern Oregon Counties voted to have Greater Idaho discussions, and it was noted that many of these counties approved having Greater Idaho discussions. Discussion around the voter turnout around the possibility of having flexible meeting dates took place. Discussion around whether Oregon and Idaho are in favor of this movement also took place as the Commissioners had heard mixed feedback. Commissioner Witham provided clarification that Baker County approved having discussions around moving the border, and it may not be indicative that they are in all in favor of moving the border.  Following discussion, David Spaugh encouraged the Commissioners to be diligent in moving forward with these discussions as he believes it would sustain the attention of our legislature and get better representation for Eastern Oregon. Bob Pierce, of Baker City, also encouraged the Commissioners to advocate to our state legislatures and noted that he would be sending weekly letters to the state office regarding the issues in Eastern Oregon.

c.       Grant Specialist Discussion: Ms. Heidi Martin, Executive Assistant, reported that in the last session, the Commissioners approved the job description for the Grant Specialist position and noted that that the Commissioner would need to decide how they want the position posted. The Commissioners discussed the possible full-time equivalent (FTE) of the position. They also discussed the advantages and disadvantages of having a contractor instead of an employee. Following discussion, the Commissioners noted that they would need to get clarification and then would revisit this topic at the December 4th Commission Session. 

d.      Non-Represented Employee Compensation/Benefits:  This was previously approved on November 6, 2024, session but additional clarification was needed to the confidential pay which states that a stipend of 5% will be provided to confidential employees. 


Commissioner Witham moved to approve the Non-Represented Employee Compensation/Benefits summary as stated for confidential employees.  Commissioner Nichols seconded the motion.  Motion carried.


6.      Documents to be Signed

a.       2024 Drought Declaration

Mr. Jason Yencopal, Emergency Management Director, reported his findings. He noted that under the current declaration Baker County wouldn’t need water resources but could work to get resources under the Department of Agriculture. He noted the option he suggests requires a letter from the Governor. Discussion will continue at the December 4th Commission Session.


b.      Order No. 2024-153: Appointing Chuck Buchanan to the Baker County Weed District Board for a term set to expire April 1, 2027.


Commissioner Witham moved to approve Order No. 2024-153 appointing Chuck Buchanan to the Baker County Weed District for a term set to expire April 1, 2027.  Commissioner Nichols seconded the motion.  Motion carried. 



7.      Ratification of Documents


a.       Financial Reports: None


8.      Other Business

a.       Commissioner Update: None

c.       Comparison of Calendar:

Commissioner Witham and Commissioner Nichols discussed that Oregon Kitchen Table will be having an event at the Baker Middle School on Thursday, November 14 and during lunch at Community Connections on Friday, November 15. Commissioner Witham noted that she also plans to attend a BIC meeting on Friday and the celebration for the Hells Canyon Journal on Saturday. The Commissioners also noted that they would be attending AOC meetings the following week.


2.      Adjournment


Commissioner Witham moved to adjourn the November 13, 2024, Special Commission Session. Commissioner Nichols seconded the motion. Motion carried.


Respectfully Submitted,




Meranda Woolard

Program Coordinator