The Baker County Board of Commissioners met for the November 6, 2024, Commission Session. Present were Commissioner Shane Alderson, Commissioner Christina Witham, and Commissioner Bruce A. Nichols.
1. Call to Order/Invocation/Pledge of Allegiance
Commissioner Alderson called the meeting to order and led the invocation and the pledge of allegiance.
2. Agenda Changes/Additions to the Agenda
a. None
3. Citizen’s Participation
a. None
4. Review/Approval of Minutes
a. October 16, 2024, Commission Session Minutes
Commissioner Nichols moved to approve the October 16, 2024, Commission Session minutes as written. Commissioner Witham seconded the motion. Motion carried.
5. Scheduled Business
a. BLM Update: Lela Blizzard, Center Director for National Historic Oregon Trail Interpretive Center, reported that since reopening in May, the Interpretive Center has had about 25,000 visitors. She also reported that their Hunting on the Hill event this October was also well attended. Ms. Blizzard reported that they will be having an artist reception this coming Saturday. On December 14, they are also hosting a Holiday Makers Marketplace from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00p.m.
Sarah Sherman, Baker Field Office Manager, provided a recap of the 2024 fire season. She reported that approximately 649,177 acres burned in Eastern Oregon this year. Approximately 366,000 of those acres were on BLM land. As a reference, she noted that the 10-year average is approximately 115,000 burned acres. This year was the equivalent to about 9 years. She explained that 61 of the fires were caused by lightning and 26 were human caused. Ms. Sherman expressed her appreciation for the County’s engagement and noted her appreciation for the Rangeland Fire Protection Agencies (RFPA’s) as the RFPA’s responded to almost all of those fires. She explained that 143 grazing allotments in the Vale District burned in whole or part. She reported that fencing repairs should be completed by next spring. She clarified that they would prioritize boundary fences and then address the pasture fences. She explained that they would be working with other agencies to coordinate efforts. Other non-fire updates included work on the South Fork of the Walla Walla Area of Critical Environmental Concern Management Plan updates. She reported that there are 2 threatened species listed in the Wallowa River, and they are also evaluating what will be done to a road in Umatilla County that washed out in a flood in 2020. She reported that they have 2 mining operations that they are considering moving forward with. She reported that she is expecting to review the environmental assessments this winter and expects to have an additional comment period. Commissioner Witham questioned if it was normal to have two comment periods and Ms. Sherman noted that in the NEPA process, they may have up to two comment periods. She also made note of the Weed Assistance Agreements and noted that a decision was signed with proposed action to move forward with the Virtue Flats weed wash station once there is funding.
b. Department Update
1. Weed Department: Ms. Gussie Cook, Director, was present to provide an update on the Weed Department. She reported that all weed department staff were new this year, including herself. She reported that she received positive feedback from her seasonal staff on the experience they gained throughout the summer. Ms. Cook shared data from various areas throughout the department. She noted success in this year’s herbicide giveaway program, noting in total 250 landowners attended county wide. She thanked Commissioner Alderson for helping at the Baker City event which was attended by 111 landowners. Other highlights included success through the cost share program, education, outreach, partnership, and contract work. Despite the weed levy failing in the recent election, Ms. Cook identified and shared several grant opportunities and partnerships to help keep the Weed Department moving forward.
2. District Attorney’s Office: Greg Baxter, District Attorney, reported that their department is fully staffed. He reported that they have been primarily focusing on establishing their Child Abuse Center and victim advocacy. He also provided a very brief update on a recent arson case involving three juveniles. He and the Commissioners also briefly discussed changes in the law and the deflection program. Commissioner Alderson noted that he and Mr. Baxter would be sharing at an Association of Oregon Counties meeting on November 11.
c. Classification Approval: Grant Specialist
Ms. Heidi Martin, Executive Assistant/ HR Director, reported that based discussion at their last Commission Session, the Commissioners expressed interest in hiring a Grant Specialist. She reported that the position would be classed at a Range 8 on the Employee Association Wage Table. The Commissioners discussed that they would like to see the administration fees from the grants fund this position in the future. Commissioner Nichols expressed concern, should the funding for the position not work out the way they intended that they would have to find a new position for the employee or find other ways to fund the position. Commissioner Witham expressed the importance of having a person to help obtain additional County level grants.
Commissioner Nichols moved to approve the Grant Specialist job description at a Range 8 on the Employee Association Wage Table. Commissioner Witham seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Discussion: It was noted that they would further discuss the details of the position at the Special Commission Session on November 13, 2024.
d. Contract Review Board
1. Baker County Employees Association Collective Bargaining Agreement
This is a three-year agreement expiring June 30, 2027. Changes include a cost-of-living increase of 2%, 3%, and 3% on the new wage table. Other changes include an increase in the HSA/VEBA contribution, clothing allowance, and longevity. The County will also provide LifeFlight and ground ambulance memberships. It was noted that wage increases would be back dated to July 1, 2024.
Commissioner Nichols moved to approve the Baker County Employees Association Collective Bargaining Agreement. Commissioner Witham seconded the motion. Motion carried.
2. Non-Represented Employees Compensation/Benefits
Ms. Heidi Martin explained that they attempt to keep the benefits for the non-represented employees the same as the represented employees. Changes include a cost-of-living increase of 2%, 3%, and 3%. Other changes include an increase in the HSA/VEBA contribution, clothing allowance, longevity, and LifeFlight and ground ambulance memberships. Confidential employees are also defined.
Commissioner Witham moved to approve the non-represented employee’s compensation/benefits. Commissioner Nichols seconded the motion. Motion carried.
3. Museum: Bid Approval for Exhibit Cases for the Armstrong Gold Collection.
Ms. Lynn Weems, Director, was present to discuss the bids that were received for the exhibit cases for the Armstrong Gold Collection. She reported receiving 2 bids and their recommendation is to use Small Corp. She highlighted their responsiveness and the quality of the glass. They were also the low bid. Ms. Weems noted that a 50% deposit was required upfront and questioned when the Museum would get the funds that were approved by the TLT Committee. Ms. Weems reported that she would reach out to Administrative Services to get more details.
Commissioner Nichols moved to approve the bid from Small Corp in the amount of $104,242.12. Commissioner Witham seconded the motion. Motion carried.
4. Fair: Agreement with Lance & Lea Music, LLC
Angela Robb, OSU Administrative Office Manager, was present to request approval of the agreement with Lance & Lea Music, LLC. She noted that they will be having a 2 day music festival in August 2025 and they are seeking approval as a deposit for booking is required.
Commissioner Witham moved to approve the contract with Lance and Lea Music, LLC for a total amount of $5,500.00, including a deposit of $2,750.00 to be paid now. Commissioner Nichols seconded the motion. Motion carried.
5. Commissioner: TLT Professional Services Agreement w/ Baker City Downtown for Downtown Marketing Services
Commissioner Alderson reported that this agreement reflects a change in language regarding Baker City Downtown’s quarterly report which was clarified and requested by Ms. Ariel Reker. The Commissioners noted that there are some safeguards within the agreement around reporting and coordination with other organizations. Commissioner Witham also noted that this is a one-year contract.
Commissioner Nichols moved to approve the Professional Services Agreement with Baker City Downtown as recommended by the Transient Lodging Tax Committee in the amount of $75,000 for the period ending October 31,2025. Commissioner Witham seconded. Motion Carried.
6. Transit: Statewide Transportation Improvement Funds RFP Approval
Ms. Doni Bruland reported that she is seeking approval for the request for proposals to go out for the Statewide Transportation Improvement Funds (STIF). She clarified details of the RFP.
Commissioner Nichols moved to approve the request for proposals for the Statewide Transportation Improvement Funds with a date of issue of November 7,2024. Commissioner Witham seconded the motion. Motion carried.
6. Documents to be Signed
a. 2024 Drought Declaration
Mr. Jason Yencopal, Emergency Management Director, was present to review the information for the 2024 Drought Declaration. He reported that he would continue to work on this process.
b. Resolution No. 2024-1012: Transfer to the Juvenile Department
Ms. Staci Erickson, Director, was present to request additional funds be transferred to the Juvenile Department’s detention care line as they have expended the grant funds they had budgeted. She reported that the costs have increased as they have more youth involved. They are expecting to keep costs more manageable by using ankle monitors in the future as well.
Commissioner Nichols moved to approve Resolution No. 2024-1012 for the appropriation transfer within the Non-Departmental Department to the Juvenile Department of the General County Fund in the amount of $60,000.00. Commissioner Witham seconded the motion. Motion carried.
c. Order No 2024-146: Appointing Jackie Owens to the Baker County Weed District Board for a term set to expire April 1, 2027. Ms. Gussie Cook stated that she and the Board are in favor of appointing Ms. Owens who also serves on the Burnt River CWMA.
Commissioner Witham moved to approve Order No. 2024-146 appointing Jackie Owens to the Baker County Weed District Board for a term set to expire April 1, 2027. Commissioner Nichols seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Discussion: It was noted that the incorrect order number had accidently been used and the correct number should be Order No. 2024-152. Ms. Martin reported that she would draft a new order reflecting that correction for the Commissioners to sign.
Commissioner Witham moved to amend her motion to approve Order No. 2024-152: appointing Jackie Owens to the Baker County Weed District Board for a term set to expire April 1, 2027. Commissioner Nichols seconded the motion. Motion carried.
d. Order No. 2024-147: Re-Appointing John Wirth to the Baker County Weed District Board for a term set to expire April 1, 2027. Ms. Gussie Cook stated that she and the Board are in favor of re-appointing Mr. Wirth.
Commissioner Witham moved to approve Order No. 2024-147 re-appointing John Wirth to the Baker County Weed Board for a term set to expire April 1, 2027. Commissioner Nichols seconded the motion. Motion carried.
e. Order No. 2024-148: Re-Appointing Aletha Bonebrake and Teresa McQuisten to the Baker County Cultural Coalition for a term set to expire July 1, 2027.
Commissioner Witham moved to approve Order No. 2024-148 re-appointing Aletha Bonebrake and Teresa McQuisten to the Baker County Cultural Coalition for a term set to expire July 1, 2027. Commissioner Nichols seconded the motion. Motion carried.
f. Order No. 2024-149: Re-Appointing Levi Bunch (Livestock Owner) to the Baker County Wolf Depredation Compensation Advisory Committee for a term set to expire September 1, 2027.
Commissioner Witham moved to approve Order No. 2024-149 Re-Appointing Levi Bunch (Livestock Owner) to the Baker County Wolf Depredation Compensation Advisory Committee for a term set to expire September 1, 2027. Commissioner Nichols seconded the motion. Motion carried.
g. Order No. 2024-150: Re-appointing Tamyra Keller to the Baker County Transportation Advisory Committee for a term set to expire May 1, 2027.
Commissioner Witham moved to approve Order No. 2024-150 re-appointing Tamyra Keller to the Baker County Transportation Advisory Committee for a term set to expire May 1, 2027. Commissioner Nichols seconded the motion. Motion carried.
h. Order No. 2024-151: Appointing Chastity Anderson to the Baker County Transportation Advisory Committee for a term set to expire May 1, 2027.
Commissioner Witham moved to approve Order No. 2024-151 appointing Chastity Anderson to the Baker County Transportation Advisory Committee for a term set to expire May 1, 2027. Commissioner Nichols seconded the motion. Motion carried.
7. Ratification of Documents
a. Financial Reports: V41, V42, C75, M28, C72, C70 C69, M26, V39, AP C74, PR C54, PR C55, PR C53, AP C71, PR C52, AP C73, and the September Revenue/Expenditure Report.
Commissioner Nichols moved to ratify the signatures on the above-listed financial reports. Commissioner Witham seconded the motion. Motion carried.
8. Other Business
a. Small Cities Cooperative –Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) for Drinking Water Infrastructure: The Commissioners discussed the importance of getting a copy of the IGA to all the mayors of the small cities so that they have time to review the document. This is expected to be a discussion topic at the Mayor’s Meeting in January and are hoping to receive as much input from the mayors as possible.
b. Commissioner Update:
In the last Commission Session, the Commissioners appointed an individual to fill the vacancy of the TLT Committee. Commissioner Witham explained that there was a misunderstanding regarding another individual’s application. She explained that the applicant noted that they were unavailable for afternoon meetings and Commissioner Witham explained that she thought TLT meetings took place in the afternoon and apologized for the misunderstanding. It was discussed that TLT Committee meetings are now taking place quarterly, generally, from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm. Mr. Matthew Koppenhaver reported that the duration of the meetings would vary. Commissioner Alderson noted that they could keep the individual’s application for consideration in future vacancies.
Commissioner Witham briefly discussed the Parks Board and Ms. Heidi Martin confirmed that the advertisement for Parks Board members had been posted. It was noted that Park’s staff would also like to post the advertisement in the Richland and Halfway area.
Commissioner Witham also noted that she reached out to Rick Gloria to gather information on free use of the County Parks for veterans. Although there is not an opportunity for free use of the Baker County Parks for veterans, Commissioner Witham followed up with a constituent with the information that Mr. Gloria had provided about other opportunities.
Commissioner Witham noted that since the Powder Riving Mining Objector meeting, 20 mining permits had been approved. She reported that she received feedback on a placer mining meeting that took place with the DEQ which was not positive. She noted that a comment period is expected to take place soon. She also briefly discussed the difficulties that have happened around the Bonanza Mine. Commissioner Witham noted that the fuels management project in the Watershed is expected to take place next year. The Commissioners briefly discussed receiving information from Mayor Lattin regarding the City of Richland’s water project. The Commissioners also discussed the possibility of using opioid settlement funds to help the Juvenile Department with prevention and education efforts for younger kids.
Ms. Gussie Cook, Weed Department Director, reported that she received an additional complaint about the County’s property on Hughes Lane. She noted that it would be best to mow the property again. She reached out to Road master Perkins as he arranged the mowing previously and he indicated that the same party may be able to mow the property again. The Commissioners discussed the cost of the mowing and requested Ms. Cook to get a quote for the work to be done.
i. Comparison of Calendar:
Commissioner Alderson reviewed his calendar and noted that he met with Barry Murphy, City Manager regarding ambulance services and housing. He also reported speaking with Mayor Lattin and noted a meeting with Mr. Jason Yencopal. He spoke with Ms. Cammie DeCastro, Pine Eagle Superintendent, regarding the lack of housing options they are facing. He attended Mental Health Court as he is a part of the Specialty Court Task Force. He noted that he met with Ben Botkin of the Capital Chronicle. He explained that he is expected to speak at a forum at an AOC meeting regarding the Deflection Program. He noted meetings with the Joint Transportation Committee and noted transportation issues in Eastern Oregon. He reported plans to attend a meeting with Idaho Power, another Specialty Court Task Force meeting. He noted that he may miss the Special Commission Session as there is a Transportation Committee meeting at that same time. It was also noted that there is a celebration for the Hells Canyon Journal on November 16.
Commissioner Witham reviewed her calendar and noted that she met with the US Forest Supervisor, Deputy Forest Supervisor, and new District Ranger. She noted that there is a push from the Regional Office to work on fuels reduction. Commissioner Witham also noted attending a meeting with the DEQ regarding their Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) ruling. She reported that the meeting was informational and positive, although this will be an ongoing process. She reported that she was not able to attend the Tri County quarterly meeting and Commissioner Nichols attended in her place. Commissioner Witham also noted that she spoke with Barry Murphy, City Manager, regarding ambulance services and Commissioner Alderson provided additional details, noting that depending on the changes, they are expecting to have to update the ordinance and Ambulance Service Area Plan. She also noted that Operation Greenlight, to support veterans, is taking place from November 4 through November 11. Commissioner Witham attended other meetings including a Lions Club meeting and a Sage Grouse LIT meeting. She reported plans to attend a meeting with BMCC, an Oregon Water Resources Public meeting, and the upcoming Special Commission Session.
Commissioner Nichols reviewed his calendar, noting that he has been working at the Health Department. He attended a New Directions meeting and a Community Connections meeting. He reported that he had a Transportation Committee meeting, but they did not have a quorum so they will have to meet again. He suggested that the County have a policy or some kind of method to remove individuals from committees that do not attend meetings regularly. He noted that he attended the Tri County meeting and commended their efforts. He noted that at a recent Health Steering Committee meeting they discussed the upcoming Oregon Kitchen Table meetings. He also briefly discussed Baker Resources, a non-profit organization that is working to educate youth on natural resources and careers in the natural resource industry. Commissioner Nichols discussed struggles around the lack of funding in public health. He reported that he reached out to other counties and noted their struggles as well. He suggested meeting with counties in our area to discuss possible solutions or ways to work together. Commissioner Nichols noted plans to attend the Transportation Committee meeting and the Paint your Wagon exhibit at the museum.
2. Adjournment
Commissioner Witham moved to adjourn the November 6, 2024, Commission Session. Commissioner Nichols seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Respectfully Submitted,
Meranda Woolard
Program Coordinator