Commission Session Minutes

 COMMISSION CHAIR SHANE M. ALDERSON                       October 2, 2024                    





The Baker County Board of Commissioners met for the October 2, 2024, Commission Session. Present were Commissioner Shane Alderson, Commissioner Christina Witham and Commissioner Bruce A. Nichols.

1.      Call to Order/Invocation/Pledge of Allegiance

Commissioner Alderson called the meeting to order and led the invocation and the pledge of allegiance.


2.      Agenda Changes/Additions to the Agenda

a.       The department update for the District Attorney has been postponed.


3.      Citizen’s Participation

a.        None


4.      Review/Approval of Minutes

a.       September 18, 2024, Commission Session Minutes

Commissioner Nichols moved to approve the September 18, 2024, Commission Session minutes as amended. Commissioner Witham seconded the motion. Motion carried.

5.      Scheduled Business

a.       Public Hearing:

Ordinance No. 2024-02: Amending Ordinances 84-1 and 2005-04: An ordinance amending goal 12 of the Baker County Comprehensive Plan to recognize the Northern Baker Transportation Improvement Plan (NBTIP) as a refinement to the Baker County Transportation System Plan. 


Commissioner Alderson opened the public hearing.  Holly Kerns, Planning Director, gave an overview of the plan.  Ms. Kerns also noted that notice of the hearing had been published. Following the summary, Commissioner Alderson asked for testimony in favor or against. Having none, Commissioner Alderson read the ordinance by title only.

Commissioner Witham moved to approve the first reading of Ordinance No. 2024-02: Amending Ordinances 84-1 and 2005-04. Commissioner Nichols seconded the motion.  Motion carried.

Commissioner Nichols moved to continue the public hearing to October 16, 2024, at 9:00a.m. and read how public testimony could be received. Commissioner Witham seconded the motion. Motion carried.


b.      Public Hearing:

Order No. 2024-144: Naming a new private access easement, “Cass Road”, located on TL 1200, 1300, 1301 and 1302 in Section 04B of Township 10S, Range 37E, W.M.

Commissioner Alderson opened the public hearing and asked for testimony in favor or against.  Having none, Commissioner Alderson closed the public hearing.


Commissioner Witham moved to approve Order No. 2024-144: Naming a new private access easement, “Cass Road”.  Commissioner Nichols seconded the motion.  Motion carried.    


c.       Department Updates

1.      Juvenile Department:  Ms. Staci Erickson, Director was present to provide an overview of the work being done at the Juvenile Department. She noted that for the same period last year, there were no cases involving firearms. This year, there have been seven. She also noted that there have been six cases this year involving arson or reckless burning. Ms. Erickson reported that the age of youth they are working with has decreased, noting that there have been cases involving youth as young as 11 or 12. She reported that they would like to do some preventive work with the younger ages, starting in elementary school. She also noted that at this time they have five youth in Oregon Youth Authority Care, which she noted is unheard of for our County. The highest she had seen previously, was three. She also noted four youth are currently in a detention facility. She expressed that detention costs have increased. She also explained that they are increasing the use of electronic monitoring. Ms. Erickson concluded by highlighting their work and partnerships with other agencies. 

2.      Fair & Oregon State University Extension Office:

Angela Robb, Administrative Office Manager, and Devon Colton, Administrative Program Assistant, were present to give an update on the Fair.  They highlighted totals from the fair this year as well as facility rentals. Ms. Robb also explained that there will be a fall vendor market on October 25th and 26th. They are also looking into hosting a wedding vendor show in the spring and plan to host a 2-day music festival next August.

Mr. Darrin Walenta, Oregon State University Extension Agronomist, provided a summary of his projects. He noted that they will be working with Powder River Watershed Basin to study contamination in the surface waters of the Powder River Watershed Basin. He reported plans to attend a Precision Ag Conference in Florida in January.

Mr. Jacob Putney, Assistant Professor of Practice and Oregon State University Extension Forester, reported that he attended a tour of the OSU Research Forest. He also reported that he helped with a prescribed fire training and noted that this was the first year the training was open to personnel nationwide. He reported upcoming tours of the OSU research forest as well a tour of a landowners’ property outside of Wallowa. He reported that the Capitol Christmas Tree would be coming through Baker City, and he plans to help the WWNF with the event. He also noted that they will be hosting a webinar series from January- March on fire ecology and noted that 2025 Tree School would likely take place in June.  

Mr. Will Price,
Assistant Professor of Practice and Oregon State University livestock/range agent, reported that they wrapped up their grasshopper cost-share program that was funded through the Oregon Department of Agriculture.  He reported that they also wrapped up their Taylor Grazing program, noting that they had 10 applicants this year. He explained that he is also involved in 3 research projects. He noted a long-term sage grouse target grazing study.  He reported that he is also working with the Sage Grouse LIT team. Mr. Price reported that the two-day pesticide application class was well received by the community. He also noted the attendance of this year’s Northeast Oregon Calving School and noted plans for next year’s event.

Ms. Katie Hauser, 4-H Program Coordinator, provided an update on the Baker County 4-H program. She highlighted increasing numbers of club members and volunteers/leaders. She also reported on the program areas of the 4-H program. She expressed that there is increased involvement overall. Commissioner Alderson questioned if there was involvement with the outlying communities in the County and Ms. Hauser reported that she has plans for an event in Richland and indicated that they are working to involve other communities. Ms. Hauser reported that they would also be having the 4-H bizarre this December. 

Ms. Robin Maille, Associate Professor of Practice of the Oregon State University Family and Community Health Program provided an overview of the Family and Community Health Program and SNAP-Ed. She reported that they are focusing on nutrition education, chronic disease prevention, and encouraging age friendly communities. She reported that she is part of a statewide project where they are putting together an online class about adult immunizations as there has been an increase in immunization hesitancy. She reported that this class is set up for Community Health Workers. She reported that their budget has been approved and they are hoping to hire a part time SNAP-Ed staff person to help with nutrition education in the schools and community. She noted an upcoming dementia education event at the Family Life Center on Hughes Lane on October 19, 2024. She also noted the Baker County Health Fair on October 22. Ms. Maille also explained that there will be a Northeast Oregon Farm to School gathering in November.

Commissioner Alderson thanked the Fair and Oregon State University Extension staff for all their work in the community and their support throughout the fire season this year.

d.      Contract Review Board

1.      Fair: Bid Approval & Agreement w/ Michael Becker General Contractor, Inc for the Rodeo Fence Replacement Project.  Ms. Angela Robb reported that initially they had three contractors interested, but only two submitted a proposal. The Fair Board reviewed the proposals and recommended approving the bid from Michael Becker General Contractor, Inc. for $268,431.00 

Commissioner Witham moved to approve the bid from Michael Becker General Contractor, Inc for $268,431.00 and to authorize Chair Alderson to sign the agreement out of session.  Commissioner Nichols seconded the motion.  Motion carried.


2.      Weed Dept.: Bid Approval Aerial Spraying

Ms. Gussie Cook was present to report that bids were solicited through Tri-County Weed who requested bids from six vendors.  Leading Edge was the only vendor who responded with a bid of $40/acre for aerial treatment.  The fall grass treatments for grant projects include Medical Springs, Keating Powder River, and Lawrence Sardine. 

Commissioner Witham moved to approve the bid from Leading Edge for aerial spraying in the amount of $40/acre.  Commissioner Nichols seconded the motion.  Motion carried.


Ms. Cook reported that Tri-County will be holding a regional meeting here on October 24, 2024, in the morning followed by a Baker County Weed District meeting in the afternoon. 


3.      CRB Order No. 2024-143: Designating a Sole Source Provider for Security Door Access Control for Circuit Court/Sheriff’s Security Office.


Commissioner Nichols moved to approve Order No. 2024-143: Designating a Sole Source Provider for Security Door Access Control for Circuit Court/Sheriff’s Security Office.  Commissioner Witham seconded the motion.  Motion carried. 


4.      Technology: Cybersecurity Grant application

Mr. Bill Lee was present to request approval to apply for a $12,000.00 cybersecurity grant for automated penetration testing.  The testing will be conducted over the course of a year.  He hopes to conduct further testing using actual people in the future, rather than an automated test. 


Commissioner Nichols moved to approve the cybersecurity grant application in the amount of $12,000.00.  Commissioner Witham seconded the motion.  Motion carried.    


e.       County Policy:

1.      Communication Retention Policy:  Mr. Lee reported that this updated policy stipulates that the retention schedule for emails is 10 years. 

Commissioner Witham moved to approve the Communication Retention Policy #13.3.2 for the Technology Department.  Commissioner Nichols seconded the motion.  Motion carried.


Mr. Lee also gave a brief update on information he learned about posting Ordinance information using an online platform.  He researched MuniCode and GeneralCode.  They may have trouble with .tif documents at Municode, but not at Generalcode.  He explained that by doing this may require updating all the ordinances to match statutes, but once it has been updated it will remain current in the system.  The Commissioners agreed that they would like the Tech Department to bring back the information to post the ordinances.

6.      Documents to be Signed

a.       Proclamation: Designating October 6-12, 2024, as Baker County Home Fire Prevention Week:

Mr. Gary Timm was present to request approval of the proclamation which brings awareness to methods that prevent home fires.  The proclamation designates October 6-12, 2024, as Home Fire Prevention Week. Commissioner Alderson read the proclamation aloud. Mr. Timm noted that radio ads would be aired throughout Baker and Union Counties to increase awareness. Commissioner Alderson expressed interest in the County advertising to encourage individuals to volunteer with their local rural fire departments. Commissioner Witham questioned if there would be an after-action review of the fire season. Various upcoming meetings were noted. 

Commissioner Nichols moved to approve the proclamation designating October 6-12, 2024, as Baker County Home Fire Prevention Week.  Commissioner Witham seconded the motion.  Motion carried. 


7.      Ratification of Documents


a.       Financial Reports: C63, M25, C62, C61, C64, C48, C49, C50, the August Revenue/Expenditure Report, and the August Financial Report.  

Commissioner Nichols moved to ratify the signatures on the above listed financial reports. Commissioner Witham seconded the motion. Motion carried.


8.      Other Business

a.       Commissioner Update:

Commissioner Witham noted that the Oregon Kitchen Table survey that is now available and encouraged advertising the survey. The survey asks citizens to answer questions relating to health services offered in the County. 


The Commissioners discussed hiring a contractor to manage grants including the transit grants. Commissioner Witham expressed urgency in this matter and the discussion will be continued at the work session scheduled for October 9, 2024.


b.      Comparison of Calendar:

Commissioner Alderson reviewed his calendar and noted that he attended the AOC District 1 meeting. He reported that on 10/11 he has a Specialty Court Joint Task Force meeting and that he has upcoming EDC and TLT meetings, and a Prison Advisory committee meeting.

Commissioner Witham reviewed her calendar and noted attending post-fire meetings in Durkee and Richland. She also attended the AOC District 1 meeting and toured the Bonanza mine. She also noted that they are interviewing for the LIT Coordinator position. She also attended a BLM restoration meeting in Durkee as well as a Blues Intergovernmental council meeting in Pendleton. She expressed disappointment after hearing from the Wallowa Whitman National Forest Supervisor that the Forest Service is not going to start the watershed project this fall. The Commissioners expressed that they would like to reach out to Senator Merkley and Senator Wyden. She also reported that she will be in Burns on 10/29.

Commissioner Nichols reported that he attended a New Directions Northwest meeting last week. He also noted that the Health Department would be at the Courthouse tomorrow to provide flu shots. He reported that he attended a Baker Resources Coalition meeting. He attended a meeting with Trinity health and the steering committee.  He reported that he reached out the ODOT about the possibility of the state managing the STIF grant, but they indicated that they are not able to. Commissioner Nichols also noted that he plans to attend the BMS Cafeteria open house on 10/29.


2.      Adjournment


Commissioner Witham moved to adjourn the October 2, 2024, Commission Session. Commissioner Nichols seconded the motion. Motion carried.


Respectfully Submitted,




Meranda Woolard

Program Coordinator