Commission Session Minutes

 COMMISSION CHAIR SHANE M. ALDERSON                       August 21, 2024                    





The Baker County Board of Commissioners met for the August 21, 2024, Commission Session. Present were Commissioner Shane Alderson, Commissioner Christina Witham and Commissioner Bruce A. Nichols.


1.      Call to Order/Invocation/Pledge of Allegiance

Commissioner Alderson called the meeting to order and led the invocation and the pledge of allegiance.


2.      Agenda Changes/Additions to the Agenda

a.       Addition: Baker County EDC Grant Approval (See scheduled business)

b.      Remove the August 15, 2024 Special Commission Session Minutes


3.      Citizen’s Participation

a.        None


4.      Review/Approval of Minutes

a.       August 7, 2024 Commission Session Minutes

Commissioner Nichols moved to approve the August 7, 2024 Commission Session minutes as amended. Commissioner Witham seconded the motion. Motion carried.

5.      Scheduled Business

a.       Department Update: Treasurer/Tax Collector ~ Traci Thamert

Ms. Thamert reported that they are cross training throughout the department, which seems to be working well.  Beginning July 1, they began advanced collection on property taxes. Last January, one of the Department of Revenue settlements resolved in favor of the County and some of those funds were distributed back to the districts. She reported that they purchased a device to help with counting money and it also recognizes counterfeit bills. She also noted that they do take credit cards for tax payments. She also explained that they are looking into updating the point and pay system and are working with Chaves Consulting on the matter.  This system will tell the people how much they owe and they would be able to set up recurring payments.  Ms. Thamert also summarized the process for tax foreclosures and tax warrants.  She noted that property tax collection is at 97.92%, which is down slightly from last year, and is the lowest in a couple of years. She provided brief information on CAFFA or A&T funding.  She noted that the LGIP interest rate is at 5.30%.  She also explained that the Treasurer’s office takes in all department revenue. 

b.      Contract Review Board

1.      Health: OHSU Knight Cancer Institute Community Partnership Program Grant Application Approval:  Ms. Meghan Chancey, Public Health Director, reported that the Health Department would like to apply for a Tier 1 grant for $15,000.00 to help support the development of sustainable collaborations with Oregon communities to address community-identified cancer needs. 

Commissioner Witham moved to approve the OHSU Knight Cancer Institute Community Partnership Program Grant Application.  Commissioner Nichols seconded the motion.  Motion carried. 

2.      Health: Association of Oregon Community Mental Health Programs Grant Application. Ms. Chancey stated that this is a mini grant for older adults for one year for $8,000.00-15,000.00.  It helps with the social isolation of older adults. The Health Department has a monthly foot clinic at Community Connections. Ms. Chancey is hoping to apply for this grant to continue to expand the foot clinic. She reported speaking with the nursing supervisor to get more info on the services provided and the number of people they see. They currently have a wait list with 6-7 spots. She is hoping to use the funds to help support the foot clinic by providing additional spaces.  The time used also addresses the need for social engagement among the isolated rural and remote older adults. 

Commissioner Witham moved to approve the Health Dept. Association of Oregon Community Mental Health Program Grant Application.  Commissioner Nichols seconded the motion.  Motion carried.  

3.      Fair Board: AIA Agreement w/ LKV Architects (Small Animal Barn)

Mr. Mark Johnson stated that the addition of a small animal barn has been a project the Fair Board has wanted to complete for a long time.  The building will be located on the East side of the Event Center, currently the parking lot.  The design plan will also address the parking situation in that area.  Mr. Johnson reported that once the design is completed, the Fair Board would need to hire separate entities to complete the irrigation system, fire sprinkler/fire alarm design, geotechnical investigation, topographical survey, etc. 

Commissioner Nichols moved to approve the AIA Agreement with LKV Architects for $56,550.  Commissioner Witham seconded the motion.  Motion carried. 

Discussion: Mr. Johnson stated that there may be a potential conflict of interest if his former employer, Sid Johnson, puts in a bid for the work.


4.      Facilities: Paving Bid Approval:

Mr. Dan McQuisten, Facilities Director, went out to bid to re-pave the area behind the courthouse on 4th Street.  The Facilities and Road Departments will conduct the prep work and Rogers Asphalt was the only respondent for the bid, with a cost of $12,286.00.  The Commissioners expressed concern about completing the work prior to November voting/tax collection season.

Commissioner Witham moved to approve the bid from Rogers Asphalt for $12,286.00.  Commissioner Nichols seconded the motion.  Motion carried. 


5.      Facilities: CRB Order No. 2024-139: Designating RD Mac as a Sole Source Provider for Concrete.

Mr. McQuisten stated that there is only one provider in our area without having to travel to Ontario, OR, which is too far.  The concrete will be to conduct work at the Road Dept. 

Commissioner Nichols moved to approve Order No. 2024-139.  Commissioner Witham seconded the motion.  Motion carried. 

6.      Facilities Concrete Purchase Approval

Mr. McQuisten reported that the County has been working on the replacement of the “horse barn” at the Road Department, which is 35 ft. by 285 ft. long. He reported they worked with Natural Structures on a pre-fab building.  He estimates the volume of concrete needed to be 125 sq. yards plus overage in the amount not to exceed $30,000.00 

Commissioner Nichols moved to approve the purchase of concrete from RD Mac in an amount not to exceed $30,000.00.  Commissioner Witham seconded the motion.  Motion carried. 


Commissioner Witham requested that the facilities department hang the posters from the Museum Camp/Junior Historical Society in the hallway and explained they would like to schedule a tour of the clock tower. 


7.      Parks: Waterline Project RFP Approval

Ms. Doni Bruland reported that the County had to extend the current solicitation for bids.  They received a proposal from Flagline Engineering out of Bend, OR.  Funding will come out of the federal grant money designated for this project (LATC) funds.  If selected, a contract with Flagline Engineering will be developed and brought back for approval.   Commissioner Witham noted that Flagline Engineering has in-house grant writer and would like to explore that opportunity.

Commissioner Witham moved to approve the proposal submitted by Flagline Engineering.  Commissioner Nichols seconded the motion.  Motion carried.   


8.      Juvenile: MOA w/ Canyon County, ID for Detention Services

Ms. Staci Erickson, Juvenile Director, reported that the new agreement reflects an increase in the daily rate now listed at $235 per twenty-four hours.  Ms. Erickson stated that she has requested an additional $6,000.00 in budget funds for this year and should be able to cover the costs. 

Commissioner Witham moved to approve the agreement with Canyon County, ID for Detention Services.  Commissioner Nichols seconded the motion.  Motion carried. 


9.      Juvenile: SCP-23-49-Grant Agreement Amendment #1:

The State of Oregon through its Criminal Justice Commission and Baker County Mental Health Court has awarded additional funds for a total of $62,332.00. 

Commissioner Witham moved to approve SCP-23-49 Amendment #1 Agreement with the Criminal Justice Commission Specialty Court Grant Program.  Commissioner Nichols seconded the motion.  Motion carried. 


10.  BLM Updated Land Use Agreement (Hughes Lane Property)

Commissioner Alderson reported that he and Mr. Perkins met with the BLM regarding the use of the Hughes Lane property for the Badlands Fire Complex. He reported that they made it clear that the County would need to charge the BLM for the work to prepare the site for their use.  He reported, after the work was completed, he was contacted by the BLM contracting officer who was unhappy that the work had not been approved through them. The BLM briefly used the property. The agreement amount is for $10,400.00.

Commissioner Witham moved to approve the updated BLM Land Use Agreement for $10,400.00.  Commissioner Nichols seconded the motion.  Motion carried.


11.  Transient Lodging Tax Committee RFP Approval for Downtown Marketing Services for Baker City.


Commissioners Nichols moved to approve the RFP for Downtown Marketing Services for the City of Baker City up to $75,000.00.  Commissioner Witham seconded the motion.  Motion carried.

c.       EDC Grant Funding Approval:

Mr. Bryan Tweit, Economic Development Contractor, was present to discuss the EDC grant funding program.  Mr. Tweit stated that the application period ended the first Friday in April.  Sixteen small business applicants met the criteria.  The EDC reviewed the applications and recommend funding these entities for a total amount of $89,355.00.  He believes this funding is important for local businesses. 


Commissioner Witham moved to approve the EDC grant funded entities in the amount totaling $89,355.00.  Commissioner Nichols seconded the motion.  Motion carried. 


d.      Transient Lodging Tax Committee: Funding to City of Baker City

Commissioner Alderson reported that he would like to see a standardize form for all entities applying for TLT funds.  The City is asking for $150,000.00 for the general fund.  This funding can’t come out of the TLT application, it should come out of the EDC.  Mr. Tweit stated that the EDC approved those funds to be paid on a quarterly basis. He noted that 25% of that would be out of one lump sum payment to be re-evaluated each year.  The Commissioners agreed that the EDC should submit that request for approval. 


The City has also requested $150,000.00 that will be used towards the construction of a new bathroom facility at the Geiser Pollman Park.  The City will contribute $150,000.00 of their own funds to the project. Commissioner Alderson noted that they discussed this project with ORLA, who noted the project would qualify for use of the funds. Commissioner Witham is opposed to funding the project stated that in a TLTC meeting in October 2023, it was noted that it is required that the facilities must hold events that draw tourists. Commissioner Nichols noted that the restroom would be a part of a tourism related facility. The Commissioners also discussed their disappointment in the restrooms in the park being closed this year during Miners Jubilee.


Commissioner Nichols moved to approve the recommendation from TLT Committee and funding request from the City of Baker City for $150,000.00 to be used to construct a new restroom in Geiser Pollman Park. Commissioner Alderson seconded the motion.  Commissioner Witham opposed.  Motion carried. 


The City as requested funding in the amount of $150,000.00 to service the loan used for the Quail Ridge golf course irrigation project.  Total project cost is $1.3 million with other funding sources from an internal city loan, EDC funds, and donations.  Commissioner Alderson voiced concerns that these funds will be used to service a loan and the interest rate on that loan versus going directly to the project.


Commissioner Nichols moved to approve the recommendation from the TLT Committee and funding request from the City of Baker City for $150,000.00 to service the loan used for the Quail Ridge golf course irrigation project. Commissioner Alderson seconded the motion.  Discussion:  Commissioner Witham stated that we have already funded this project through EDC for $300,000.00 and would like to see it spread out throughout the County.  Commissioner Nichols stated that all of the other cities are benefiting through the marketing, visitor center, and EDC.  He noted he believes the entire county is benefiting from the golf course. Commissioner Nichols added that the high school golf tournaments bring in many people from out of town. Mr. Tweit recommended the Commissioners not approve funding without an annual review. He believes the City misrepresented information to them when they stated that the $300,000.00 they were requesting would be the last amount they would need, which was not the case.   Commissioner Witham opposed.  Motion carried. 

6.      Documents to be Signed

a.       Order No. 2024-135:  Re-appointing Kathleen Parker and Cliff Schoeningh to the Baker County Fair Board for a term set to expire May 1, 2027.

Commissioner Witham moved to approve Order No. 2024-135.  Commissioner Nichols seconded the motion.  Motion carried. 

b.      Order No. 2024-136: Re-appointing Rob Ellingson to the Baker County Fair Advisory Committee for a term set to expire July 1, 2027.

Commissioner Witham moved to approve Order No. 2024-136.  Commissioner Nichols seconded the motion.  Motion carried. 

c.       Order No. 2024-137: Re-appointing Mandy Clark to the Baker County Transient Lodging Tax Committee for a term set to expire August 1, 2027. 

Commissioner Witham moved to approve Order No. 2024-137.  Commissioner Nichols seconded the motion.  Motion carried. 

d.      Order No. 2024-138: Appointing Dylan Smith to the Baker County Transient Lodging Tax Committee for a term set to expire August 1, 2027.

Mr. Matthew Koppenhaver reported that this vacancy is filling an at-large position.  Commissioner Alderson expressed concern that Mr. Smith currently works for Anthony Lakes Outdoor Recreation Association, who is currently contracting services to manage multiple campgrounds. He would not like to see an additional lodging representative on the Committee.  Commissioner Witham agreed and suggested that the TLTC try to find representation from other cities.  The Commissioners agreed that they would like to re-advertise and try to find other representation with a recommendation from TLTC.   



7.      Ratification of Documents


a.       Financial Reports: C43, C44, C45, M24, C47, C48, V35, AP C46, PR C43, PR C44. Commissioner Nichols moved to ratify the signatures on the following financial reports: C43, C44, C45, M24, C47, C48, V35, AP C46, PR C43, and PR C44. Commissioner Witham seconded the motion. Motion carried.

b.      BLM Emergency Facilities and Land Use Agreement (Hughes Lane Property)

This land use agreement is for the Ward Property located on Hughes Lane as part of the Badland Complex.  The BLM will pay the County $200/day for two days.  Commissioner Alderson added that another Land Use Agreement would be coming to the next session.

Commissioner Nichols moved ratify the signature on the BLM Emergency Facilities and Land Use Agreement for the Hughes Lane Property.  Commissioner Witham seconded the agreement. Motion carried. 

c.       National Opioids Settlement Participation Form: Kroger

Commissioner Nichols moved to ratify the signature on the National Opioids Participation Form for Kroger Opioid Settlement funds.  Commissioner Witham seconded the motion.  Motion carried. 


8.      Other Business

a.       Commissioner Update:

Commissioner Witham reported that Hewitt Park is closed due to the bank stabilization project by Idaho Power with Knife River as the contractor.  In late July, we heard from Idaho Power about the work they would be doing and we closed the park on 8/12/24.  A Cut Above was supposed to come in and trim the trees before they began work.  At that time, we barricaded the area and marked it as closed.  On Friday, we had a vehicle go through the barricade that states the park is closed; however, it didn’t state that the ramp was closed.  The person involved wanted to inspect his cabin where a fire recently went through.  He was gone for about three hours.  He stated that he was contacted by the Sheriff’s Office who told him that he would be trespassed for eternity, based on a County Policy.  Commissioner Witham explained her belief that the punishment is too extreme. Commissioner Nichols explained his belief that our policies are flawed. He also noted he would like to see a Parks Board reestablished.  He would also like to have better signage.   The Commissioners agreed that this man should not be trespassed, but issued a warning or dismissal.  The Commissioners discussed the need for a Parks Board and hope to have a Board in place. 


Commissioner Nichols moved to dismiss the trespass and instead issue a warning for the current trespass issue.  Commissioner Witham seconded the motion.  Motion carried. 


The Commissioners agreed to review each instance going forward, should they occur.

Commissioner Witham reported attending a BLM meeting regarding post-fire weed treatment in the burn areas, primarily the Cow Valley Fire and Durkee Fire. It was noted that the west wall was not as bad as expected.  Commissioner Witham noted that she would talk to Forest Service about salvage jobs following the fires.  Commissioner Witham briefly discussed the Hunt Mountain property.


b.      Comparison of Calendar:

                          I.            Commissioner Alderson reported that he would not be able to attend the OTEC Summit as he would be attending the Transportation meeting in Ontario with Roadmaster, Noodle Perkins. He attended a deflection specialty task force meeting as well as other various other meetings and events related to the fires in the area.

                       II.            Commissioner Nichols reported attending the AOC investment committee meeting and expects to attend another in the future.  He also reported attending a meeting regarding Trinity Health and has an additional Trinity Health meeting on the August 26, 2024. He also explained that he has a New Directions Meeting on 8/27 and noted that he would attend the OTEC Summit as Commissioner Alderson would be attending the transportation meeting.

                    III.            Commissioner Witham also reported plans to attend a zoom call with Ms. Bruland regarding waterways with algae. She also noted that she plans to meet with the mayor of Greenhorn. She also noted an upcoming AOC meeting regarding wildfire mapping. She also noted the OTEC Summit on August 28, 2024.

9.      Adjournment


The August 21, 2024, Commission Session adjourned at 12:00 p.m.

Commissioner Witham moved to adjourn the August 21, 2024 Commission Session. Commissioner Nichols seconded the motion. Motion carried.


Respectfully Submitted,




Meranda Woolard

Program Coordinator