Commission Session Minutes

 COMMISSION CHAIR SHANE M. ALDERSON                       July 17, 2024             





The Baker County Board of Commissioners met for the July 17, 2024, Commission Session. Present were Commissioner Shane M. Alderson, Commissioner Christina Witham, and Commissioner Bruce A. Nichols.

8:30 am:

1.       Scheduled Business:

a. Ballot Title Discussion: Greater Idaho  (Flexible Meeting Dates)

The proposed ballot, if passed, would allow the Commissioners to meet on dates and times determined by the Board.  This changes the current language which requires meetings held on the second Wednesday of March, July and November.


Commissioner Witham moved to approve the ballot title as amended and direct staff to place it on the November ballot.  Commissioner Nichols seconded the motion. Discussion: County Counsel, Kim Mosier, read the ballot title summary, Motion carried.


1.      Call to Order/Invocation/Pledge of Allegiance

Commissioner Alderson called the meeting to order and led the invocation and the pledge of allegiance.


2.       Agenda Changes/Additions to the Agenda

a.       Valentine Health Advisors: Agreement Amendment


3.       Citizen’s Participation

a.        Arthur Sappington, President of Snake River Music Garden noted that they recently went to Princeton and made a presentation. He also reported that he wrote an essay on behalf of the Snake River Music Garden because of the difficulty they encountered working with the US Forest Service in the Blue Mountain Forest Plan Revision.  


4.       Review/Approval of Minutes

a.       May 15, 2024 Commission Session Minutes

Commissioner Nichols moved to approve the May 15, 2024 Commission Session Minutes as amended.  Commissioner Witham seconded the motion. Motion carried.


5.       Scheduled Business

a.       Health Department Update:

Ms. Meghan Chancey was present to give an overview of the services provided by the Health Department and provided a brief update on the different program areas.

b.      Contract Review Board


1.      Health: Professional Services Agreement with Lily Wittich, MD

Dr. Wittich has reached out to offer services consisting of at least 2 hours a month to help cover the 10 hours a month needed for the program.  This contract is in addition to the contract with Joelene Peasley, NP who will cover the majority of the hours needed.  The agreement with Dr. Wittich is for the period of August 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025 for $75/hr.

Commissioner Witham moved to approve the Professional Services agreement with Lily Wittich, MD for $75.00 per hour for a minimum of 2 hours a month. Commissioner Nichols seconded the motion. Motion carried.

2.      Travel Baker County: Billboard Contract with Meadow Outdoor Advertising:

Ms. Jessica Hobson, was present to request entering into an agreement with Meadow Outdoor Advertising for a billboard located between exit 304 and 302.  She would discontinue the current billboard located on Hwy 7 on the edge of town.  The cost is $975/mo. for a 12 month contract for a total of $11,700.00. 


Commissioner Nichols moved to approve entering into a 12-month agreement with Meadow Outdoor Advertising for a billboard advertisement at a cost of $975/mo.  Commissioner Witham seconded the motion.  Motion carried.


3.      Road Department: Snow plow purchase:

Road master, Noodle Perkins, was present to request the purchase of a 1991 Autocar Snowplow for $14,000 from the Government Surplus Administration (GSA).  The newer snowplow will replace two of the County’s 1970 Marmon Herrington snowplows that will be scrapped. 


Commissioner Witham moved to approve the purchase of a 1991 Autocar Snowplow for $14,000 from GSA. Commissioner Nichols seconded the motion. Motion carried.


4.      Justice Court: Professional Services Agreement with J. Logan Joseph, Attorney

Ms. Jen McGuire, Trial Court Administrator, was present to request renewal of the agreement with Logan Joseph for indigent defense services for the 2024-25 fiscal year for the amount of $30,000 for up to 120 cases. 


Commissioner Nichols moved to approve the agreement with J. Logan Joseph for indigent services in the amount of $30,000.  Commissioner Witham seconded the motion.  Motion carried.


5.      Fair: Renewal of Executive Director Services Agreement with ALIUQET, LLC.

The modification to the agreement with Aliuqet, LLC extends the agreement for one term into June 21, 2025.  

Commissioner Nichols moved to approve the service agreement for Executive Director Services with Aliquet, LLC for $45,000.00 from June 22, 2024 through June 21, 2025. Commissioner Witham seconded. Motion carried


6.      DA: 23-24 Forensic Interviewer Agreement with Chelsa Mitchell:

Executive Assistant, Heidi Martin, reported that this agreement was presented at the last session along with the agreement for the current fiscal year. During that session, only the agreement for the current fiscal year was approved, so the agreement for the 2023-2024 fiscal year has been brought back for approval. 

Commissioner Witham moved to approve the agreement with Chelsa Mitchell for forensic interview services for the 2023-24 fiscal year in the amount of $1,500 per quarter. Commissioner Nichols seconded the motion. Motion carried.  

7.      Parks: Landowner Cooperative Agreement/Macroinvertebrate Monitoring with Powder Basin Watershed Council

Ms. Doni Bruland, Parks Coordinator, reported that this project will be within the County property lines of the Sumpter Valley dredge tailings. The Powder Basin Watershed Council will collect samples for aquatic macroinvertebrate monitoring in conjunction with ongoing water quality monitoring activities.

Commissioner Witham moved to approve the Landowner Cooperative Agreement for Macroinvertebrate Monitoring with Powder Basin Watershed Council and Baker County. Commissioner Nichols seconded the motion. Motion carried.

8.      Parks: Waterline Engineering RFP Extension

Ms. Doni Bruland reported that we did not receive any bids on the waterline Engineering RFP and she would like to extend the deadline to August 12, 2024 to allow additional time for interested parties to submit a proposal.

Commissioner Witham moved to extend the RFP deadline for the Parks Waterline Engineering project to August 12, 2024.  Commissioner Nichols seconded the motion.  Motion carried.


9.      Planning: OWEB Grant Agreement: 224-8206-23593: Forage Bank: A Solution for Enhancing Sage-Grouse Habitat

Ms. Holly Kerns, Planning Director, reported Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board has awarded a grant to the County in the amount of $58,750.00 to provide a solution for getting invasive annual grass treatment competed on BLM managed land.  It would serve as a forage bank to allow livestock permitees to get reimbursed for finding alternative pasture or hay during BLMs mandatory rest period following treatments on their allotments.

Commissioner Nichols moved to approve the Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board Grant Agreement: 224-8206-23593: Forage Bank: A Solution for Enhancing Sage-Grouse Habitat Commissioner Witham seconded the motion. Motion carried.

10.  Planning: IGA with Baker City for Planning Services

Ms. Kerns reported that they have been working drafting this Intergovernmental Agreement for several months. Changes are reflected based on discussions with the City Manager, Commissioner Alderson, and County Council.


Commissioner Witham moved to approve the Intergovernmental Agreement for land use planning and development services with the City of Baker City.   Commissioner Nichols seconded the motion.  Motion carried.


c.       Baker County Policy Adoption

1. Planning: Policy for Zoning Ordinance Enforcement: Ms. Holly Kerns reported that this policy was drafted by County Counsel Kim Mosier which formalizes the discussions around having a mechanism to enforce zoning ordinance violations.  

Commissioner Witham moved to adopt the policy establishing procedures regarding the enforcement of Baker County Zoning Ordinance 2014-01. Commissioner Nichols seconded the motion. Motion carried.

d.      Department of Environmental Quality Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Update

Ms. Doni Bruland, Parks Coordinator, reported that based on DEQ ruling, the County along with several other organizations would be required to develop a Water Quality Management plan in regards to the Powder River Basin Bacteria Total Maximum Daily Load. She reported that the County has been selected to spear head the project as it will be necessary to ensure that the other plans in the area do not conflict with one another. It was discussed that this is only one TMDL, which could be followed by others.

Mr. Art Sappington noted that in the document that he had submitted, he discusses the Chevron Case and notes highlighting quotes from the case and discussed issues around that. He noted his belief that it would probably be around March before they can get a definitive statement to be used against the state. 

e.       Parks: Hunt Mountain Property Sale Discussion:

Ms. Doni Bruland, Parks Coordinator, reported that the Parks Department owns 160 acres of forested land on Hunt Mountain. She reported that the property is landlocked, being bordered by BLM and private property. She reported that she would like to see the property sold and put back on the tax rolls. In preparation for this, they had Mr. Arvid Anderson cruise the timber, to gather information for establishing a sales price.  Ms. Heidi Martin noted that there are statutes that govern the disposal and sale of County Parks Property. She suggested reaching out to County Counsel before a final decision is made. It was discussed that road improvements on adjacent property would need to be made should they attempt to harvest and haul any of the timber on the property. Commissioner Nichols briefly discussed that in the past there was discussion of a land exchange with the BLM. Ms. Bruland reported that this has been brought up several times to the BLM, but it does not seem that they are interested in purchasing or exchanging.

Road master Perkins reported that approximately 5 years ago he reached out to the BLM to exchange land for a rock pit and noted that the BLM staff in charge of the rock pits may have different avenues for this and volunteered to reach out to them again.

Commissioner Witham agreed that this is one option that could be explored. Mr. Perkins noted that in that instance, the Road Department would likely need to purchase the property from the Parks Department.

Ms. Bruland also noted that in preparation for fire season, the parks department has pulled the fire pits and firewood out of the sites at the Hewitt and Holcomb parks. She noted that they are doing everything in their power to limit that risk. She also reported that the Idaho Power bank stabilization project is slated to begin August 15th.

f.        Administrative Services: County Credit Card Limit Increases

Ms. Christena Cook, Administrative Services Director, reported that there is a need to increase the credit limit for several departments.  There are often times when there is not enough credit limit to pay for conference travel and other items.  Ms. Cook noted that they are requesting a Transient Lodging Tax Committee credit card as the marketing contractor is currently having to put advertising purchases on their personal credit card. She reported that request is contingent on approval from the Transient Lodging Tax Committee. Commissioner Nichols questioned how long they think they will be able to maintain this credit limit. Ms. Cook noted that it’s has been roughly 3-4 years since the last increase request and so she hopes to be able to maintain this level for a few years. 


Commissioner Nichols moved to increase the credit card limit to $106,000, which includes the Transient Lodging Tax Committee credit card in the amount of $5,000 contingent on approval by the Transient Lodging Tax Committee.  Commissioner Witham seconded the emotion.  Motion carried. 


g.      Valentine Health Advisors Amendment to Agreement:

Brief discussion took place around funding that was set aside as part of the hospital services research conducted by Valentine Health Advisor and their work with the Health Care Systems Steering Committee. Commissioner Nichols reported that Valentine Health Advisors is needing an extension. Ms. Cook noted that the approval stays across fiscal years. She reported that she budged for the LATCF funds to be spent, but they are not broken up into categories. She noted that she needs the Commissioners to reaffirm the categories. It was noted that Valentine Health Advisors has an amendment to their agreement addressing an additional payment and extension.

Commissioner Nichols moved to approve amending the agreement with Valentine Health Advisors for up to $12,000.00 which includes $10,000.00 for services and potentially $2,000.00 for travel and to authorize Commissioner Nichols to sign the agreement out of session. Commissioner Witham seconded the motion. Motion carried.   

h.      Non-Represented Compensation/Benefits:

Ms. Martin, Executive Assistant, reported that when they negotiated the contracts with the SEIU group, the County agreed to have a compensation study completed prior to the next negotiations. She noted the study was completed this spring. The recommendation from the study was to have one wage table with all employees listed. She noted that negotiations with the represented group have been delayed and reported that she would like to move forward with the non- represented employee compensation and benefits table approval. She noted that when negotiations are completed they can review both groups and reevaluate at that time. If approved, changes would go in effect July 1, 2024, and

would be reflected on the July 25th payroll.  If there were any other changes after the association negotiations, they would be presented back to the Commissioners.

Commissioner Nichols questioned the outcome if after negotiations with the association are complete, they approved too much of an increase. Ms. Martin noted that a wage table with lesser amounts could be presented at that time.

Commissioner Witham moved to temporarily adopt the new wage table and benefits for non-represented employees effective July 1, 2024 and to reevaluate when union negations are finalized.  Commissioner Nichols seconded the motion. Motion carried.

i.        Enterprise Fleet Management Presentation/Proposal ~ Devin Johnson

Mr. Johnson reported a high level overview of the services that Enterprise Fleet Management could provide to Baker County that included the potential of lowering maintenance and fueling costs . He also highlighted key points regarding the County’s current fleet, noting that in general, the County keeps their vehicles for approximately 18 years. He also noted that over 50 vehicles, out of the 80 that are County owned, are over 10 years old.  Mr. Johnson responded to questions from County staff. The Commissioners thanked Mr. Johnson for his presentation and explained that this matter would need to be discussed with each individual department before a decision could be made.


6.      Documents to be Signed

a.       None



7.      Ratification of Documents


a.       Financial Reports: C30, C31, C32, C33, C34, V34, M23, AP C29, AP C25, PR C37, PR C40, and Junes Treasurer’s Financial Report

Commissioner Nichols moved to approve accounts payable and accounts payable reports:  C30, C31, C32, C33, V34, M23, and the payroll and payroll accounts payable reports: AP C29, AP C25, PR C37, AP C34, PR C40, and the June Treasurer’s Financial Report. Commissioner Witham seconded the motion. Motion carried.


8.      Other Business

a.        Commissioner Update:

Commissioner Witham reported she had a conversation with a Washington State University Student regarding the Greater Idaho movement. Commissioner Alderson provided a brief update on a few wildfires in the area. Brief discussion took place around the City of Baker City’s as well as the Museum’s request for funding from EDC and TLTC.


b.      Comparison of Calendar:

                          I.            Commissioner Nichols reviewed his calendar, noting that the Museum Commission meeting had been cancelled. He reported attending an NEODD meeting. He also explained that he has a medical appointment on 7/22 and a meeting later that afternoon.  He also plans to attend the AOC meeting at the Port of Morrow.

                       II.            Commissioner Alderson reviewed his calendar. He reported attending a deflection meeting and that he taught a photography class for the 4H clubs. He reported spending time in Huntington due to a wildfire. He also reported meeting with Jessica Keys and another staff member from Senator Merkley’s office along with the Health Care System’s Steering Committee. He also reported attending the TLTC work session. He reported upcoming meetings including a transportation work session, the AOC HHS summit, and a specialty court task force meeting.


                    III.            Commissioner Witham noted that she spent the last week at Tollgate. She also reported that she will be having a meeting with a few County staff regarding the Supreme Court’s decision around the homeless camping ban in Grants Pass, Oregon. She reported plans to attend the Eastern Oregon Counties Association meeting. She also explained that she plans to attend the Unity City Council Meeting. Commissioner Witham also noted upcoming meetings with Peggy Brown of OTEC, ODF wildfire mapping, and Idaho Power regarding the bank stabilization project.


9.      Adjournment


The July 17, 2024, Commission Session adjourned at 11:53 a.m.

Commissioner Witham moved to adjourn the July 17, 2024 Commission Session. Commissioner Nichols seconded the motion. Motion carried.


Respectfully Submitted,



Meranda Woolard

Program Coordinator