Commission Session Minutes


COMMISSION CHAIR SHANE M. ALDERSON                       June 26, 2024            





The Baker County Board of Commissioners met for the June 26, 2024, Commission Session. Present were Commissioner Shane M. Alderson, Commissioner Christina Witham, and Commissioner Bruce A. Nichols.



1.      Call to Order/Invocation/Pledge of Allegiance

Commissioner Alderson called the meeting to order and led the invocation and the pledge of allegiance.


2.       Agenda Changes/Additions to the Agenda

a.       Remove Baker City Request for TLT funds

b.      Add: Contract Review Board #21: Emergency Management: Shelving purchase for Eastern Oregon Regional Medical Reserve Corps.  


3.       Citizen’s Participation

a.       Mr. Mark Sayers of Baker County, was present and provided a brief update of a road that is used as a jeep trail, as well as the status of a river crossing in Burnt River Canyon. He reported that the Lost Dutchman Mining Association has done a lot of work as the County is unable to provide maintenance to the trail and the BLM in the past has been unwilling to help with maintenance. He reported that in the past, the County has helped with the river crossing, but recently they have not been able to help. He concluded by expressing the importance of maintaining access to public lands.  Commissioner Witham expressed interest in visiting the area and requested clarification on location of the road and Mr. Sayer’s contact information.


4.       Review/Approval of Minutes

a.       April 3, 2024 Commission Session Minutes

Commissioner Nichols moved to accept the April 2, 2024 Commission Session minutes as amended.  Commissioner Witham seconded the motion.  Motion carried.

b.      April 10, 2024 Commission Session Minutes

Commissioner Nichols moved to accept the April 10, 2024 Commission Session minutes as presented.  Commissioner Witham seconded the motion.  Motion carried.

c.       April 17, 2024 Commission Session Minutes

Commissioner Nichols moved to accept the April 17, 2024 Commission Session minutes as amended.  Commissioner Witham seconded the motion.  Motion carried.

d.      May 1, 2024 Commission Session Minutes

Commissioner Nichols moved to accept the May 1, 2024 Commission Session minutes as amended.  Commissioner Witham seconded the motion.  Motion carried.


5.       Scheduled Business

a.       Contract Review Board

1.      Assessor: Dept. of Revenue ORMAP Grant IGA #DOR-056-24:

Commissioner Nichols moved to approve the Dept. of Revenue ORMAP Grant IGA #DOR-056-24 . Commissioner Witham seconded the motion. Discussion: Commissioner Nichols noted this grant is for $25,000.00 and for fiscal year 2024-2025 Motion carried.

2.      Assessor: Dept. of Revenue Map Maintenance Agreement #DOR-076-24:

Mr. Kerry Savage, Assessor, reported that this is a map maintenance agreement to maintain the current map with the State of Oregon.

Commissioner Witham moved to approve the Assessors Dept. of Revenue Map Maintenance Agreement #DOR-076-24. Commissioner Nichols seconded the motion. Motion carried.

3.      Commissioner:  USDA APHIS Wildlife Services Agreement #24-7341-6255-RA:

Commissioner Witham noted that this is for $51,000.00 for wildlife services for fiscal year 2024-2025.

Commissioner Witham move to approve the USDA APHIS Wildlife Services Agreement #24-7341-6255-RA for $51,000.00 for the 2024-2025 fiscal year. Commissioner Nichols seconded the motion. Motion carried.

4.      Commissioner: USDA APHIS Wildlife Services Amendment #1 to Agreement #24-7341-6255-RA:

Commissioner Witham reported that the Amendment #1 is to reflect the $6,000.00 for aerial predator control for the 2024-2025 fiscal year.

Commissioner Witham moved to approve the USDA APHIS Wildlife Services Amendment #1 to Agreement #24-7341-6255-RA for the amount of $6,000.00. Commissioner Nichols seconded the motion. Motion carried.

5.      Commissioner: Tourism & Marketing Agreement with Jessica Hobson:

Ms. Shelly Christensen, Accounting Coordinator, reported that in the May 28th TLT meeting, the committee reviewed the proposal from Ms. Hobson and recommend the approval the Professional Services Agreement for tourism and marketing services.

Commissioner Nichols moved to approve the Professional Services Agreement with Jessica Hobson for $70,000.00 per year for the 2 year Marketing Director contract. Commissioner Witham seconded the motion. Motion carried.

6.      Juvenile: IGA #14808a Amendment to Expunction of Juvenile Records Agreement:

Ms. Staci Erickson, Juvenile Director, reported that this is based on new legislation that passed that youth are automatically expunged. She reported that it started out as youth that were never adjudicated. And now it is adjudicated youth with misdemeanors which has increased their case work. The State recognized the expense on each county and noted this agreement began with $16,492.00 in January 2022 and they are extending the agreement until December 31, 2025 and adding an additional $16,904.50 to that contract.

Commissioner Witham moved to approve IGA #14808a Amendment to Expunction of Juvenile Records Agreement. Commissioner Nichols seconded the motion. Discussion: Commissioner Nichols noted that the agreement now ends December 31, 2025.  Motion carried.

7.      DA: Forensic Interviewer Agreement w/ Chelsa Mitchell for FY 23-24 and FY 24-25

Ms. Whitney Rilee, Victim Assistance Officer, reported that Ms. Chela Mitchell has been the Forensic Interviewer for the last year and they would like to continue. She reported that they have increased her pay as Ms. Mitchell has been attending additional trainings to become more qualified. Ms. Mitchell also participates in peer reviews in other interviewing agencies to keep her skills up to date. Ms. Rilee reported that this agreement is grant funded.

Commissioner Nichols moved to approve the Memorandum of Agreement between Chelsa Mitchell and Baker County District Attorney’s office beginning August 1, 2024 for $1,800.00 quarterly.  Commissioner Witham seconded the motion. Motion carried.

8.      P&P: Amendment #1 to the Dept. of Corrections IGA #6521:

Mr. Ryan Downing, Lieutenant/Director, reported that House Bill 5204 addressed a budgetary shortfall to community corrections this last biennium. This agreement reflects adding the $78,567.00 that was allocated back to Baker County’s Community Correction budget.

Commissioner Witham moved to approve the Parole and Probation Amendment #1 to the Dept. of Corrections IGA #6521. Commissioner Nichols seconded the motion. Motion carried.

9.      Jail: Jail Lock Bid Approval and Order No. 2024-128: Designating Western Detention as a Sole Source Provider: Sheriff Ash reported that the company they had intended to do work with last year, has fallen off the radar and has not returned any calls or messages and they have to start this process over. They have 2 locks on hand and each lock costs about $2,500.00. He reported that this is the only place they can order locks from. They are requesting to designate Western Detention as a Sole Source Provider. Commissioner Alderson questioned if the whole locking system were replaced, could they still use these same locks being purchased, and it was confirmed. Brief discussion took place around whether or not the LATCF funds would be used for this project.   

Commissioner Witham moved to approve the jail lock bid approval and order No. 2024-128: Designating Western Detention as a Sole Source Provider to purchase 20 jail locks for $55,083.00 using LATCF funds. Commissioner Nichols seconded the motion. Motion carried.

10.  Sheriff: City of Huntington Law Enforcement Agreement:

Sheriff Ash reported that the City of Huntington has agreed to another year long contract for $74,000.00. He reported the only change from last year’s agreement is the billing date. Historically, the City of Huntington was sent a bill in December, which was paid in January or February. Huntington has requested to pay for services in June.

Commissioner Nichols moved to approve the Intergovernmental Agreement for law enforcement services between Baker County and the City of Huntington for fiscal year 2024-2025 in the amount of $74,000.00. Commissioner Witham seconded the motion. Motion carried.

11.  Health: Agreement w/ Dr. Lamb for Health Officer Services

Commissioner Witham moved to approve the Health Department’s professional services agreement with Dr. Eric Lamb, MD for Health Officer Services in the amount of $2,100.00 per month through December 31, 2024. Commissioner Nichols seconded the motion. Motion carried.

12.  Road: Purchase of 2010 Dodge 4x4 5500 Transmission

Mr. Ryan Davila,
Shop Foreman/Fleet Manager reported that the transmission is going out on their 2010 Dodge service truck. He reported that there was only 2 vendors that had one readily available. He recommends approval of the low bid. Commissioner Alderson reported that he spoke with the Road master and had given approval to order the transmission based on necessity.  Commissioner Witham and Commissioner Nichols also reported receiving phone calls from the Road master.

Commissioner Witham moved to approve the Road Department’s purchase of the  

2010 Dodge 4x4 5500 Transmission for their Dodge S5T Service Truck in the amount of $8,150.00. Commissioner Nichols seconded the motion. Motion carried.

13.  Road: Order No. 2024-130: Designating Rogers Asphalt as a sole source provider of Hot Mix Asphalt:

Mr. Davila explained that they would like to make Rogers Asphalt a sole source provider. He reported that that there are only 2 asphalt suppliers in the area and the hot mix from Rogers Asphalt is hotter than the other supplier.

Commissioner Nichols moved to approve Order No. 2024-130: Designating Rogers Asphalt as a sole source provider of Hot Mix Asphalt in the amount of $95.00 per ton. Commissioner Witham seconded the motion. Motion carried.

14.  Road: Purchase of ¾ Minus Aggregate:

Mr. Davila
reported that in preparation for the chip sealing project, they are looking purchase rock to make shoulder improvements. They received bids from Harney Rock and Paving Co. and RD Mac. Harney Rock and Paving Co. submitted the low bid.

Commissioner Witham moved to approve the Road Department’s purchase of  ¾ Minus Aggregate from Harney Rock and Paving Co. in the amount of $7.80 per ton. Commissioner Nichols seconded the motion. Motion carried.

15.  Facilities: Fire Alarm System Bid Approval:

Mr. Dan McQuisten, Facilities Director, reported that progress in the Technology Department remodel, they are changing the use of some of the space and are also adding an ADA bathroom. He reported that the current fire alarm system at the courthouse is at its max capacity and is over 25 years old. To meet building code requirements, they need to be able to add components to the system. He is looking to replace the control panel of the current system and purchase the components for the area being remodeled. He reported receiving three bids, two from local companies. He explained that the two local companies provided pricing and Mr. McQuisten reported meeting with the third company, but after visiting the site, they expressed lack of interest in the project due to the travel distance and small size of the project. Mr. McQuisten recommends approving the bid from Davis Securities as they have submitted the lowest bid.

Commissioner Nichols moved to approve the fire alarm system bid from Davis Securities & Electric in the amount of $12,120.00. Commissioner Witham seconded the motion. Motion carried.

16.  Facilities: Courthouse HVAC Heat Pump Replacement Bid Approval

Mr. McQuisten reported that they put out an RFP specifying their needs. He sent the RFP to three local vendors. They received one response from Baker County Heating & Cooling for $24,866.00.

Commissioner Witham moved to approve the Courthouse HVAC Heat Pump Replacement Bid from Baker County Heating & Cooling in the amount of $24,866.00. Commissioner Nichols seconded the motion. Motion carried.

17.  Facilities: Justice Center Exterior Repair/Painting:

Mr. McQuisten reported that during a work session to introduce the purchasing option of Garland Company through OMNIA partners. The Jail/Justice center was built over 30 years ago and they used an exterior insulation and finish system, which is fairly difficult to maintain in our area and to find contractors to make repairs. He reported that they only received one response. He noted that he requested a bid which is included in the total project cost, to prime and paint the exterior windows.

Commissioner Witham moved to approve the bid for exterior repairs and painting of the Justice Center for a total of $82,619.82 with Adam Roe Painting. Commissioner Nichols seconded the motion. Motion carried.

18.  Facilities: Emergency Operation Center (EOC) Geotechnical Bid Approval

Mr. McQuisten reported that this is for services that are outside the scope of the architects who are working on the EOC project.  Three responses were received. Mr. McQuisten recommended approving the lowest bid from Liberty Geo Tech for $11,830.00.

Commissioner Nichols moved to approve the bid from Liberty Geo Tech for $11,830.00. Commissioner Witham seconded the motion. Discussion: It was noted that LATCF funds would be used for this project.  Motion carried.

19.  Facilities: EOC Surveyor Approval

Mr. McQuisten reported that this is also for services that are outside the scope of the architects who are working on the EOC project. He recommended approving the bid from Statewide Land Surveying Inc. (SWLS) as it was the only bid received. It was noted that LATCF funds would be used for this portion of the project.

Commissioner Nichols moved to approve the bid from Statewide Land Surveying Inc. for $5,692.00. Commissioner Witham seconded the motion. Motion carried.

20.  Facilities/Jail: Countertop Purchase Approval:

Mr. McQuisten reported that they are bringing this matter back for discussion. He explained that as stated in a previous staff report they are looking for a solution for the countertops in the jail. He explained that previously he had not researched other options. He looked into other solid surface countertop options, while they are less expensive than the stainless steel countertop, they would create a long downtime and scheduling conflict with installation. He reported their recommendation is still the stainless steel countertop.

Commissioner Witham moved to approve the Facilities and Jail request to purchase the stainless steel countertops from Stainless Plus, Inc. for $29,000.00. Commissioner Nichols seconded the motion. Motion carried.

21.  Emergency Management: Shelving purchase for Eastern Oregon Regional Medical Reserve Corps:

Mr. Jason Yencopal, Emergency Management Director, reported that they are looking to replace the shelving in the Eastern Oregon Regional Medical Reserve Corps trailers. He reported that they would using grant fund to purchase the shelves.

Commissioner Witham moved to approve Emergency Management’s request to purchase shelves for the Eastern Oregon Regional Medical Reserve Corps from Vention for three units for a total of $52,859.26. Commissioner Nichols seconded the motion. Motion carried.


b.      Baker County 2024-25 Budget Adoption

Commissioner Alderson opened the public hearing for the 2024-25 budget adoption. Ms. Christena Cook, Administrative Services Director, presented the proposed budget to the Baker County Board of Commissioners and outlined slight modifications that were made. Commissioner Alderson asked for comments from the public. There were none.

1.      Resolution No. 2024-1004: Declaring the Ad Valorem Property Tax and Categorizing the Property Tax Limitation for Baker County for 2024-2025.

Commissioner Nichols moved to approve and read Resolution No. 2024-1004: Declaring the Ad Valorem Property Tax and Categorizing the Property Tax Limitation for Baker County for 2024-2025. Commissioner Witham seconded the motion. Motion carried.

2.      Resolution No. 2024-1005: Adopting the 2024-2025 Baker County Budget and Making Appropriations Thereof.

Commissioner Nichols moved to approve and read Resolution No. 2024-1005: Adopting the 2024-2025 Baker County Budget and Making Appropriations Thereof. Commissioner Witham seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Following the 2024-2025 budget adoption, Commissioner Alderson closed the public hearing.

c.       Baker County Policy Adoption:

1.      Family Medical Leave: Paid Leave Oregon, FMLA, OFLA

Ms. Heidi Martin, Executive Assistant, reported that in March 2024 legislative changes were made regarding, Paid Leave Oregon, FMLA, and OFLA. The legislative changes that were made take effect July 1, 2024.  She reported that the policy reflects those changes and reflects recommendations from CIS.

Commissioner Witham moved to adopt the Baker County Paid Leave Oregon, FMLA, OFLA policy. Commissioner Nichols seconded the motion. Motion carried.




6.      Documents to be Signed

a.       Order No. 2024-129: Appointing Lea Hoover to the Economic Development Council.

Commissioner Witham moved to approve Order No. 2024-129: Appointing Lea Hoover to the Economic Development Council for a term set to expire March 1, 2026. Commissioner Nichols seconded the motion. Motion carried.


b.      Emergency Operations Plan Letter of Promulgation:

Mr. Jason Yencopal, Emergency Management Director,  was present and discussed the purpose of the plan.

Commissioner Nichols moved to approve the Emergency Operations Plan Letter of Promulgation. Commissioner Witham seconded the motion. Motion carried.

c.       Resolution No. 2024-1006: Appropriation of Unanticipated Funds to be expended in Various Departments of the General Fund

Commissioner Nichols moved to approve and read Resolution No. 2024-1006: Appropriation of Unanticipated Funds to be expended in Various Departments of the General Fund. Commissioner Witham seconded the motion. Motion carried.


d.      Resolution No. 2024-1007: Appropriation Transfer within the Non-Departmental Department of the Fair Fund

Commissioner Witham moved to approve and read Resolution No. 2024-1007: Appropriation Transfer within the Non-Departmental Department of the Fair Fund. Commissioner Nichols seconded the motion. Motion carried.


e.       Resolution No. 2024-1008: Appropriation Transfer within the Non-Departmental Department of Technology Fund         


Commissioner Nichols moved to approve and read Resolution No. 2024-1008: Appropriation Transfer within the Non-Departmental Department of Technology Fund. Commissioner Witham seconded the motion. Motion carried.

f.        Resolution No. 2024-1009: Appropriation Transfer within the Non-Departmental Department of the Capital Building Fund

Commissioner Witham moved to approve and read Resolution No. 2024-1009: Appropriation Transfer within the Non-Departmental Department of the Capital Building Fund. Commissioner Nichols seconded the motion. Motion carried.


g.      Resolution No. 2024-1010: Appropriation of Unanticipated Funds to be expended in Various Departments of the County Health Fund


Commissioner Nichols moved to approve and read Resolution No. 2024-1010: Appropriation of Unanticipated Funds to be expended in Various Departments of the County Health Fund. Commissioner Witham seconded the motion. Motion carried.


h.      Resolution No. 2024-1011: Unanticipated Funds to be expended in the Non-Departmental Department of the School Based Clinic Fund

Commissioner Witham moved to approve and read Resolution No. 2024-1011: Unanticipated Funds to be expended in the Non-Departmental Department of the School Based Clinic Fund. Commissioner Nichols seconded the motion. Motion carried.




7.      Ratification of Documents

a.       Financial Reports: C23, C24, C26, C27, C28, V33, C38, C39, May Treasurer’s Financial Report.

Commissioner Nichols moved to approve accounts payable and accounts payable reports: C23, C24, C26, C27, C28, V33 and payroll and payroll accounts payable reports: C38 and C39, and the May Treasurers financial report. Commissioner Witham seconded the motion. Motion carried.

8.      Other Business

a.       Commissioner Update:

Commissioner Witham reported that things are moving forward with the Marble Creek property. She reported that she met with Mr. Arvid Anderson at the Hunt Mountain Property. Commissioner Witham also reported some concerns regarding the Mill Creek Road.

Commissioner Nichols discussed the possibility of how the County can remove requirement of having the set number of Greater Idaho meetings. He reported that he would reach out to County Counsel, Kim Mosier. Commissioner Nichols briefly discussed his concerns around Paid Leave Oregon and other potential payroll taxes.

Commissioner Nichols and Commissioner Witham briefly discussed the potential observation of Juneteenth. It was noted that banks and the post office were closed in observation.

The Commissioner’s briefly discussed small fires in the area.

b.      Comparison of Calendar

Commissioner Witham reported that she attended the EDC meeting as well as a Weed Board meeting. She explained that the Weed Board is looking at forming a political action committee. She reported that she will be gone next week, but will be available on July 10th for the Greater Idaho discussion and Mayor’s meeting. It was discussed that there is a Transportation Committee meeting with the Commissioners on July 17th. Commissioner Witham noted a meeting regarding the total maximum daily load later in July.

Commissioner Nichols reported that he is back from vacation. He also attended AOC meetings in Salem. He noted he was appointed to an AOC investment committee. He reported attending a New Directions meeting and various other meeting. He reported that he would be out of town the week of the 4th of July. Commissioner Nichols reported that he has a scholarship committee meeting with the Oregon Community Foundation, where they gave out $22,500 to about 9 students.

Commissioner Alderson reported attending a Training and Employment Consortium meetings. He also attending a housing meeting at City Hall. He reported meeting with Jessica from Senator Merkley’s office. He reported that he was out earlier in June on vacation and also attended the AOC meetings in Salem. Commissioner Alderson reported that he also did a walk-through of Powder River Correctional Facility. He noted that he was appointed by the Speaker’s House to a special task force for specialty courts. He also reported that he would be teaching a upcoming photography class for the 4-H program.

9.      Adjournment

Commissioner Witham moved to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Nichols seconded the motion. Motion carried.


The June 26, 2024, Commission Session adjourned at 11:44 a.m.


Respectfully Submitted,


Meranda Woolard

Program Coordinator