Commission Session Minutes


COMMISSION CHAIR SHANE M. ALDERSON                       May 1, 2024              





The Baker County Board of Commissioners met for the May 1, 2024, Commission Session. Present were Commissioner Shane M. Alderson, Commissioner Christina Witham, and Commissioner Bruce A. Nichols.


1.      Call to Order/Invocation/Pledge of Allegiance

Commissioner Alderson called the meeting to order and led the invocation and the pledge of allegiance.


2.       Agenda Changes/Additions to the Agenda

a.       None


3.       Citizen’s Participation

a.       None


4.       Review/Approval of Minutes

a.       January 17, 2024, Commission Session Minutes

Commissioner Nichols moved to accept the January 17, 2024, Commission Session minutes as presented. Commissioner Witham seconded the motion. Motion carried.


b.      February 26, 2024, Commission Session Minutes

Commissioner Nichols moved to accept the February 26, 2024, Commission Session minutes as presented. Commissioner Witham seconded the motion. Motion carried.


5.       Scheduled Business

a.       Facilities Dept. Update ~ Dan McQuisten, Facilities Director

Mr. Dan McQuisten, Facilities Director, was present to give a department update. He reported that his department is comprised of himself, building maintenance workers, and administrative staff. They maintain the County Courthouse, Jail, Parole & Probation Offices, Road department, Health Department building, School-based Health Center, Juvenile Department, Museums, and Weed Department. They also assist in the tax foreclosure process by maintaining the properties until ownership is transferred.

            Mr. McQuisten discussed various facility projects, including the basement remodel in the Courthouse, which expands the space for the Technology and Planning departments. Not only will it expand the office spaces for those departments, but it will also provide space for the installation of an additional ADA bathroom. The project will also include upgrading the Courthouse's fire monitoring system.

Overall, the department is doing well. They are fully staffed, making good progress on projects, meeting current needs and obligations, and in a good budget position.


Discussion: Commissioner Witham inquired about the Courthouse's clock. Mr. McQuisten reported that they thought they were close to having it operational earlier this fall but ran into another minor issue. They are working with J Tabor Jewelers on the issue, who is conferring with a clock engineer from another state. He anticipates the clock will be functioning by the spring.

Commissioner Witham also inquired about the Courthouse's front entrance Veterans Memorial. Mr. McQuisten explained that, as a Veterans Memorial, the county has a unique opportunity to participate in a Veterans Memorial grant process through the Oregon Parks Department. The department has been budgeting some money for a few years to save enough to meet the minimum match requirement for the grant. The next step is to partner with a local Veterans organization to develop a plan and present it to the Oregon Parks Department. 


b.      Contract Review Board

1.      Road: Roadside Herbicide Purchase Approval: Mr. Nolan Perkins, Roadmaster, was present to request approval to purchase herbicide chemicals from Nutrien Ag Solutions for $24,528.75. The herbicide chemicals will be used to spray 670 acres of roadside this spring. The purchase has been budgeted in the 2023-24 FY Road Department budget. Wilbur Ellis and Simplot also submitted bids with Nutrien Ag Solutions offering the best price.

Commissioner Witham moved to approve the purchase of herbicide from Nutrien Ag Solutions in the amount of $24,528.75. Commissioner Nichols seconded the motion. Motion carried.


2.      Road: Amendment #1, Agreement No. 73000-00033087 Holbrook Creek Road: Mr. Perkins reported that the project change request (PCR) was approved, and the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) has issued Amendment Number 01 that reflects the changes for signatures. The Commissioners approved the PCR during the March 13, 2024, Special Commission Session. This bridge project was initially scoped as a local, state-funded bridge back in 2018. The project has since moved to Federal funding, and nearly six years have passed since the initial estimate. Inflation has been substantial during this time frame. Switching to Federal from State funds adds additional requirements for environmental and project management, which has increased the cost of the preliminary engineering (PE) phase and construction phase. In addition, a right-of-way phase is being requested as private property acquisition is required to straighten the alignment of the approach to the State Highway. The most recent cost estimate for PE is an additional $320,000.00, with an additional estimate of $25,000.00 for right-of-way acquisition and $600,000.00 for construction. The total project cost is now estimated at $3,105,693.00. $39,000.00 has already been paid an additional $32,000.00 is required.

ODOT has assigned a new agreement number to the amendment. The Original agreement number is: 73000-00015058, which was approved February 15, 2023.

Commissioner Witham moved to approve Amendment #1 to Agreement No. 73000-00033087 Holbrook Creek Road Pine Creek Bridge #01C802 Project. Commissioner Nichols seconded the motion. Motion carried. 


3.      Road: iWorQ/Public Works 1: Annual Subscription Renewal and Asset & Data Tracking Services Purchase: Mr. Perkins requested approval to purchase/renew the annual subscription for the iWorQ/Public Works 1 application to include a public works package, asset management, fleet management, tri-annual pavement condition assessment, and permit package tailored to the Assessors Department. The quote for video imagery of 192 centerline miles with 40 miles of pavement assessment is $39,000.00, with an annual subscription fee of $14,000.00 billed in November. There are sufficient funds available in the 2023-24 FY Road Department budget for the $39,000.00, and funds will be allocated in the next three fiscal years, beginning with the 2024-25 FY for the subscription.

Commissioner Nichols moved to approve the iWorQ/Public Works pavement assessment for $39,000.00. Commissioner Witham seconded the motion. Motion carried.


4.      DA: Child Assessment Center Ridgeline Counseling Services, LLC: Ms. Whitney Rilee, Victim Advocate Officer, was present to request approval of the agreement with Ridgeline Counseling Services, LLC. This agreement is for $1,800.00 per month from April 1, 2024, through June 30, 2025. Bids were solicited from New Directions NW, who did not respond; Pat and Heather Heriza, who declined, and Luke Burton through his counseling agency Ridgeline Counseling Services, LLC. 

Commissioner Nichols moved to approve the agreement between Ridgeline Counseling Services, LLC and the Baker County Child Assessment Center through the District Attorney’s Office for $1,800.00 per month for the period starting April 1, 2024, and ending June 30, 2025. Commissioner Witham seconded the motion. Motion carried.


5.      Commissioner: Marketing Director RFP Approval: Commissioner Alderson reported that the Transient Lodging Tax Committee (TLTC) met on March 18, 2024, and approved their operating budget for fiscal year 2024-25, which includes $70,000.00 for a Marketing Director Contract. The TLTC is requesting approval of the RFP for the position of Baker County Marketing Director.

Commissioner Nichols moved to approve solicitation for services for 2 fiscal years for the professional services agreement for Baker County Marketing Director as recommended by the Transient Lodging Tax Committee ending June 30, 2026.  Commissioner Witham seconded the motion. Motion carried. 



6.      Technology: Fiber Phone Conversion Approval: Mr. Bill Lee, Technology Director, was present to request approval to migrate the County’s phone service from a copper circuit to a fiber circuit. The change will result in a savings of $50.00 per month. The County currently has service through Lumen. The change is anticipated to take 30 days. 

Commissioner Nichols moved to approve the plan to migrate phone service from a copper circuit to a fiber circuit. Commissioner Witham seconded the motion. Motion carried.


At the request of the Commissioners, Mr. Lee also reviewed the County’s Call Tree. Mr. Lee will make adjustments to the call tree based on the Commissioners’ recommendation.

7.      Weed: Herbicide Purchase Approval: Ms. Gussie Cook, Weed District Supervisor, was present to request approval to purchase herbicide for $50,000.00 from the Helena Chemical Company. The herbicide will be used on in-house and FIP grant projects, including Lawrence Sardine, Keating Powder River, Medical Springs, and Lookout Mountain. Helena Chemical Company provided the best pricing.   

Commissioner Nichols moved to approve the purchase of herbicide for up to $50,000.00 from Helena Chemical Company. Commissioner Witham seconded the motion. Motion carried.


8.      Oregon Dept. of Ag: 2024 Grasshopper and Mormon Cricket Grant Agreement #ODA-4519-GR: Commissioner Witham reported that the ODA has allocated $100,000.00 to Baker County for grasshopper and Mormon cricket control. The OSU Extension office will manage the project funds and send the request to the county for reimbursement. The program will be cost-shared with the landowner.  OSU Extension and the Soil and Water Conservation District are working to develop the program. All claims must be submitted by September 30, 2024, with payment going out in November. The agreement expires December 31, 2024, with reporting in March 2025.

Commissioner Alderson added that the reimbursement rate would be 75%.

Commissioner Witham reported that once the application is complete, she will post it to the website.

Commissioner Witham made a motion to approve the ODA 2024 Grasshopper and Mormon Cricket Grant Agreement #ODA-4519-GR in the amount of $100,000.00 ending December 31, 2024. Commissioner Nichols seconded the motion. Motion carried.


9.      Commissioner: Criminal Justice Commission Behavioral Health Deflection Grant Agreement #BHD-25-01: Commissioner Alderson reported that the agreement is in response to Measure 110. The grant amount is $75,000.00 for the period of June 30, 2025.

Commissioner Nichols moved to approve the Grant Agreement for Criminal Justice Commission Behavioral Health Deflection Grant Program Agreement #BHD-25-01 for $75,000.00 with a completion deadline of June 30, 2025. Commissioner Witham seconded the motion. Motion carried. 


c.       Transit Program Update ~ Joe Hayes and Connie Guentert

Mr. Joe Hayes, Community Connection Baker County Manager, and Ms. Connie Guentert, Community Connection, were present to give an update on the Transit Program. Mr. Hayes reported that Statewide Transportation Improvement funds (STIF) through the Rides to Wellness program had been used for 43 round-trip Veteran Rides as the Highly Rural Veterans Grant funds had run out. He mistakenly thought that they were dual-eligible. The ride for Veterans totaled 9,005 miles. The Ride to Wellness reimbursement rate to the STIF Program is $2.47 per mile for a total cost of $22,242.35. Community Connection has replaced that amount into the Rides to Wellness Program. 

Ms. Guentert added that the STIF provides essential services to Baker County residents. However, the need far outweighs available resources, so they have to deny some requests. Currently, they are looking at ways to coordinate transportation to the Boise area twice a week. She highlighted the importance of being able to serve the Veterans at the same rate as any other disabled senior citizen. She thanked the Commissioners for their partnership.

Mr. Curtis Martin of North Powder requested clarification on the lack of funding and resources, how many it affects, and what they are doing to fill the gap. Mr. Hayes explained that due to a lack of medical specialty services in Baker County, many require rides to outside areas; Community Connection is making up to five trips per week. They are looking at how to best utilize their resources by streamlining medical trips to areas such as Boise from five days to two to three days per week with ridesharing. They make up to 400 rides per year. He added that the VFW provides transportation on a limited basis, St. Luke’s has a cancer bus that travels to Fruitland, and the cost of transport for individuals with Medicaid is covered.

            Mr. Hayes explained that of the non-emergency medical transports, 40% are Veterans, and 60% are all other citizens. The Highly Rural Veteran Grant is about $45,000.00 per year. They have used all of those funds plus some, which happens around this time each year. Commissioner Alderson added that he has been trying to get Federal Congress and the House to increase the payments for the Highly Rural Veterans, which has not been changed for over twelve years. Mr. Martin suggested there would be community support from himself and others if it were a known issue. He encouraged Community Connection to try to get the word out. Ms. Guentert agreed and added that their programs survive from philanthropic efforts.


Discussion: Commissioner Nichols added that disabled Veterans can apply for reimbursement for travel to medical appointments.



6.      Documents to be Signed

a.       Museum Commission Bylaws: The changes to the bylaws include clarification under the Duties of the Treasurer. 

The Commissioners reviewed the amended bylaws and identified further clarification that was needed. Commissioner Nichols will meet with Administrative Services and the Treasurer’s Office to ensure the correct language is included. The Commissioners agreed to table the matter until corrections were made.  


b.      Resolution No. 2024-1003: Limiting Liability for Injury or Damage Due to Use of Trails in Public Easement and Unimproved Right-Of-Way; ORS 105.668 and Amendments: County Counsel Kim Mosier was present to discuss the Resolution, which pertains to the recently passed Senate Bill 1576 and recreational immunity. The Bill allows local governments to opt to limit liability as outlined within the Bill. This Resolution recognizes the County’s decision to do so. 

Commissioner Witham moved to approve Resolution No. 2024-1003 Limiting Liability for Injury or Damage Due to Use of Trails in Public Easement and Unimproved Right-Of-Way; ORS 105.668 and Amendments. Commissioner Nichols seconded the motion. Motion carried.



7.      Ratification of Documents

a.       Financial Reports

Commissioner Nichols moved to ratify the signature of the following financial reports: C11 C14, C13, C15 and C33. Commissioner Witham seconded the motion. Motion carried.


8.      Other Business

a.       Judge Brent Kerns was in the audience and reported that the Oregon Dept. of Water Service shut down a section of wells in the Harney County area and did not take into account the priority date of those water rights. Commissioner Witham reported that she is attending a meeting with the Oregon Water Resources Department and will bring this matter up for discussion. Commissioner Witham added that Oregon Kitchen Table came through Baker County and received feedback from the public related to the water rights in the Powder Basin.


b.      Commissioner Update:

·        Commissioner Witham asked for feedback from the Commissioners related to the new federal/OSHA requirements that would require rural departments to upgrade their fire apparatus and turnouts, a mandate that could put many rural districts out of business. Commissioner Alderson reported that he is working with Emergency Management Director, Jason Yencopal, on a letter to provide during the input period. 


Discussion: The Commissioners briefly discussed political activities as it relates to endorsements of candidates.


Commissioner Witham reported that Idaho Power would like to expand the right-of-way for the Boardman to Hemingway project. There will be a public hearing on 30th, which conflicts with the County Budget Board hearing schedule. Ms. Heidi Martin, Executive Assistant, suggested that Counsel Drew Martin, who represents the County and possibly other landowners, may already be attending. Commissioner Witham added that it may be beneficial to have Road Master Nolan Perkins attend as well. Commissioner Alderson will follow up with Mr. Martin and Mr. Perkins.

      Commissioner Witham discussed a letter the Commissioners received relating to a debate on the rural/urban divide by a group identified as Braver Angels. A meeting is set for June.

      Commissioner Witham reported that the Coordination Ordinance, amendments, and letter are now posted on the County’s website.


c.       Comparison of Calendar:

The Commissioners reviewed their upcoming meetings.  Upcoming public meetings include:

·         May 3, 2024: Taylor Grazing

·         May 7, 2024: Compensation Board Meeting

·         May 8, 2024: Work Session

·         May 15, 2024: Commission Session


9.      Adjournment

Commissioner Nichols moved to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Witham seconded the motion. Motion carried.


The May 1, 2024, Commission Session adjourned at 11:15 a.m.


Respectfully Submitted,



Erin Linan

Management Assistant