Commission Session Minutes


COMMISSION CHAIR SHANE M. ALDERSON                  April 17, 2024            





The Baker County Board of Commissioners met for the April 17, 2024, Commission Session. Present were Commissioner Shane M. Alderson, Commissioner Christina Witham, and Commissioner Bruce A. Nichols.


1.      Call to Order/Invocation/Pledge of Allegiance

Commissioner Alderson called the meeting to order and led the invocation and the pledge of allegiance.


2.       Agenda Changes/Additions to the Agenda

a.       Order No. 2024-125: Removing a Member from the Economic Development Council

b.      Letter of Coordination with the Forest Service

c.       Letter of Support:  Rally Network Broadband Deployment Grant Application


3.       Citizen’s Participation

a.       Mr. Art Sappington, of 3055 10th Street Apt I, was present and noted that he reached out to the Planning Department in attempts to get the County’s Land use plan to coordinate with the Watershed plan. He reported attempting to get the LCDC sign off sheet and the plan for the last review period. He noted that this is the basis for their ordinance and that it is a requirement for the Powder River Watershed Council in order for them to partner with State agencies for funding.  He explained that online, the county has all 19 of the state required goals, but the document available is an incomplete document.  He reported previously having a copy, noting that the document was over 500 pages. He was hoping to have the document prior to April as he has a presentation at Princeton at the end of the month.  As a result, the website for the Snake River Music Garden is not up to date.

In the interim to that, Mr. Sappington reported that there has been an issue with historical land use that goes back to 1955, noting the gun range in Virtue Flats. He explained that he has not been able to address this issue due to complications with paperwork. He expressed concerns regarding miscommunications between the BLM and the Sportsman’s Club.

b.      Mr. Arvid Andersen, of 1400 Colorado Place, was present to discuss the stewardship of the City’s watershed and the poor condition of Marble Creek Road.  He expressed frustration that the Forest Service has not been maintaining the road.  Commissioner Witham stated that she submitted a letter that recommends the road be addressed and also addresses the need for an expanded buffer along the road.  He noted his appreciation for the letter sent by Commissioner Witham. 


c.       Mr. Gene Morrill, of Worley Creek Rd, was present to discuss the condition of Huckleberry Loop Rd. He has asked for additional maintenance on the road.  Commissioner Witham received a cost report on the road that outlines the funding that has been spent to make road improvements.  Mr. Morrill asked for rock to be added to the road.  There are eight residents and there is a lot of usage with it being a loop road.  The Forest Service is also doing work in the area.  Commissioner Witham reported that there is an upcoming open house with the Forest Service regarding the fuels reduction project in that area, which she plans to attend. She also noted that she reached out to the Road department regarding the potential truck use on that road associated with the project.



4.       Review/Approval of Minutes

a.       February 21, 2024 Commission Session Minutes

Commissioner Nichols moved to approve the February 21, 2024 Commission Session minutes as presented.  Commissioner Witham seconded the motion.  Motion carried.


5.       Scheduled Business

a.       Weather Ready Service | Weather Ready Community Certificate

Jay Breidenbach, of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association (NOAA), reported that they have been working with Emergency Management Department to promote preparedness on weather-related events.  Baker County is being recognized as being storm-ready.  This means the County and the National Weather Service have a good working relationship and should a weather event occur, the County will be ready to respond.  Part of the recognition includes national recognition, which includes a list of storm-ready communities. 


b.      Assessor’s Department Update ~ Kerry Savage and Shawn Berry

Mr. Kerry Savage, County Assessor, was present to provide an update. He explained that over the last year they have finished area 5, which covers the Halfway and Richland area, as well as area 6, which covers Huntington, Hereford, and Unity areas. He reported that they are starting on inside the city limits of Baker City. He anticipates covering this area for the next two years, beginning with residential and then moving to commercial and industrial. He reported that they are still waiting on a potential refund credit from Idaho Power and Pacific Corp. He reported applying for a grant that would help in improving the quality of their maps, but has not received a response yet. Commissioner Nichols requested clarification regarding the CAFFA Grant, questioning the frequency of the grant and Mr. Savage confirmed that it was a yearly grant.


c.       Contract Review Board

1.       Assessor: County Assessment Function Funding Assistance Program (CAFFA) Grant:  The grant is through the Department of Revenue for $1,163,705, which goes towards the work done through the Tax Clerk, and Assessor’s offices. 

Commissioner Nichols moved to approve the application for the 2024 CAFFA Grant for assessment and tax.  Commissioner Witham seconded the motion.  Discussion:  Mr. Curt Martin asked how long the CAFFA grant has been available.  Mr. Savage reported that it had been around over 20 years ago.  Motion carried.


2.       Commissioner:  Oregon Department of Agriculture Wolf Compensation and Financial Assistance Grant Agreement #ODA-4506-GR.


The County Wolf Committee met and requested $120,677 in funds to go towards death/injury, missing, preventative, and administrative fees.  The grant agreement provides $79,134.00 for the period expiring January 31, 2025.


Commissioner Witham moved to approve the ODA Grant Agreement #ODA-4506-GR for $79,134.00.  Commissioner Nichols seconded the motion.  Motion carried. 


3.       Health Dept. Modernization Grant Request:

Ms. Meghan Chancey, Health Department Director/Administrator was present to request approval to apply for the Modernization Grant for $40,000. She reported that she has applied for similar grants in the past and the funds have been used to update clinical equipment and support salaries and wages.  The Commissioners asked Ms. Chancey to see if the funding could be used towards the health department mobile clinic van and then adjust the funding request accordingly.  Ms. Chancey reported that funding can request up to $100,000.  There are no matching funds required and funds must be expended by June 30, 2025. 

Commissioner Witham moved to approve the Health Department’s application for funds to support the family planning services through the Modernization Grant request for $40,000.00 and the possibility of any costs associated with completion the mobile clinic van. Commissioner Nichols seconded the motion.  Discussion:  Mr. Martin asked where the funds come from and how long the funds have been in existence.  Ms. Chancey reported that she believes that they are federal funds that are passed through to Oregon Health Authority. She reported that these funding opportunities have been available for approximately the last 2 years. Motion carried.


4.       Weed Dept.: Union Pacific Railroad Right Of Way Bid Approval:

Ms. Gussie Cook was present to request approval of the bid from Blue Mtn. Applicators, LLC of La Grande for $85/hr. to perform weed management services along the Union Pacific Railroad right-of-way.  Ms. Cook reported that the bid request was sent out to thirteen contractors with two bids received.  The Baker County Weed Advisory Committee recommended that the Commissioners accept the lowest bid received, which was from Blue Mtn. Applicators, LLC

Commissioner Nichols moved to approve the Professional Services Agreement with Blue Mtn. Applicators, LLC for $85/hr.  Commissioner Witham seconded the motion. Motion carried.


5.       Road Dept.: CRB Order No. 2024-124: Designating Albina Fuel as a sole source provider for chip seal oil and fog seal oil for the Baker County Road Department:

Mr. Ryan Davilla, Shop Foreman/Fleet Manager, was present to request approval, noting that Albina Fuel is the only supplier that has product that meets their specifications. It was noted that they have used this supplier previously.

Commissioner Nichols made a motion to approve Order No. 2024-124: Designating Albina Fuel as a sole source provider for chip seal oil and fog seal oil for the Baker County Road Department.   Commissioner Witham seconded the motion.  Motion carried. 



6.       Fair board: Department. Of Corrections Work Order for Bleacher Installation. 

Mr. Mark Johnson was present to request approval of the final draft of the work order to hire the Dept. of Corrections to construct and install the bleachers at the fairgrounds.  The DOC will provide 10 AIC’s at a cost of $800 per day for an 8-hr. work day and $960 for a 10-hr. work day.  Mr. Johnson reported that the bleachers would be arriving in June. Mr. Johnson noted he spoke with Brent Gyllenberg Construction and Sid Johnson Construction who both declined.

Commissioner Nichols moved to approve the Department of Corrections Work Order for the Baker County Fair Board. Commissioner Witham seconded the motion. Motion carried.


7.       Sheriff: Emergency Operations Center Architectural Service Proposal Approval –Cole Architects.

Mr. Dan McQuisten, Facilities Director, was present to request approval of the agreement and proposal from Cole Architects to design the Emergency Operations Center addition to the Sheriff’s Office.  The Sheriff’s Office received $2,666,667 in grant funds for the project. The County match for this this grant is $666, 667.00. The cost for architectural services is a fixed cost for phase one and phase two for $305,000. He noted that there is an hourly figure included for anything that was not identified in their proposal.  Mr. McQuisten noted that County Counsel Mosier recommended they also include a Professional Services Agreement be signed in addition to approving their proposal. He noted that the Professional Services Agreement would need to be signed out of session, as he has not received the signed agreement back from Cole Architects.

Commissioner Witham moved to approve the proposal from Cole Architects dated April 8, 2024 for total basic services, which includes phases one and two as listed for $305,000, and to sign the Professional Service Agreement out of session.  Commissioner Nichols seconded the motion.  Motion carried.



d.      OLCC Renewal Approval

The following businesses are seeking renewal of their OLCC licenses:  A-Frame RV Park, Hells Canyon Inn and Scotty’s Hells Canyon Outdoor Supply.  It was noted that these licenses are presented to the Commission Board as they are outside of city limits. It was also noted that the Sheriff has been consulted and does not have any concerns with the aforementioned renewals. 

Commissioner Nichols moved to approve the OLCC license renewals for the A-Frame RV Park, Hells Canyon Inn and Scotty’s Hells Canyon Outdoor Supply.  Commissioner Witham seconded the motion. Motion carried.


e.       Order No. 2024-125: Removing a Member from the Baker County Economic Development Council.

Commissioner Witham moved to remove Mike Ogan from the Baker County Economic Development Council. Discussion: Commissioner Witham noted that Order 2024-125 was prepared based on what had been observed in the last EDC meeting and EDC work session and this decision was not taken lightly. Commissioner Alderson reported being approached by others with similar concerns. He explained the need for the Economic Development Council to be united as they move forward with one of their largest projects. Commissioner Nichols also reported he has heard comments from those on both sides of this issue, although hearing more concerns in line with Commissioner Witham and Alderson’s concerns, he was not opposed. Commissioner Alderson seconded the motion. Commissioner Nichols Abstained. Motion carried.



f.        Letter to the Forest Service Requesting Coordination:

Commissioner Witham reported that she has drafted a letter requesting coordination from the Wallowa-Whitman National Forest, Malheur National Forest, and Umatilla National Forest.  The goal is to establish consistency between federal and local plans, policies and actions. 

Commissioner Nichols moved to approve the letter to the Wallowa-Whitman National Forest, Malheur National Forest, and Umatilla National Forest recognizing coordination with the County.  Commissioner Witham seconded the motion. Motion carried.


g.      Letter of Support: Rally Network Grant Application

Commissioner Nichols reported that Rally Network is applying for a Broadband Deployment Program grant and is seeking a letter of support from the County for their grant application.  Commissioner Nichols reported that if multiple providers apply, the State would determine how to award funds.

Commissioner Nichols moved to approve the letter of support to Rally Network for a Broadband Deployment Program grant application and sign out of session.  Commissioner Witham seconded the motion. Motion carried.




6.       Documents to be Signed

a.       Letter of Support:  Emergency Management Resiliency Grant:

The letters support the applications to purchase a generator for the City of Haines (the Methodist Church), Community Connection, Nazarene Church, City of Richland, City of Halfway, City of Sumpter, City of Unity, and the City of Huntington.  The Commissioners questioned if Greenhorn had been contacted.  Commissioner Witham noted she would reach out to Emergency Management to see if Greenhorn could be included in the grant application, and would like them to be included, should they decide to apply.

Commissioner Witham moved to approve the signing of the letters of support for the Emergency Management Resiliency Grant for the aforementioned organizations and to include the possibility of Greenhorn.  Commissioner Nichols seconded the motion.  Motion carried.



7.       Ratification of Documents

a.       Financial Reports

Commissioner Nichols moved to ratify the signature of the following financial reports: Accounts payable and accounts payable reports V31, C08, V27, V28, V29, V30, C09,and payroll and payroll account’s payable reports C10, C31, C32, C12 and M19.  Commissioner Witham seconded the motion.  Motion carried.


8.       Other Business

a.       Commissioner Update:

                          I.            Commissioner Witham reported that she posted Blue Mountain Forest Plan Revision maps in the common area of the Courthouse. She reported that she will have copies with her and will take them to other cities as she is out there. She noted she expects to attend a fuels reduction project meeting in Halfway. She has an interview with a prospective employee for the seasonal weed position tomorrow. Tomorrow evening she will be attending a meeting regarding the Huckleberry fuels reduction project, in which she plans to bring up other issues from the Sumpter area that have been brought to her attention.  She expects to attend the Commissioner forum on Thursday evening at BHS as well as the Powder River Choir concert.  She also noted that she plans to attend the meet and greet on Saturday as well. She reported she would be out of town 4/21-4/25, but plans to attend the Blue Mountain Forest Plan Revision open house via Zoom on 4/24. She noted the importance in attending as they are accepting feedback on their draft assessment, although it is not the official comment period. She also noted that there would be a Weed Board meeting on 4/30 at the Courthouse at 1pm as well as an NRAC meeting at 3pm at the Parks and Natural Resources building. Commissioner Witham also noted that OWEB would be in town on 4/23 and 4/24. She also noted that the League of Oregon cities will be doing a small cities tour, beginning in Sumpter today. She noted BMCC has their open house of their new facility on 4/23 at 2pm.

                        II.            Commissioner Nichols reported that he would be out of town on 4/22. He also noted he has a meeting with New Directions on 4/23. He reported that he plans to attend the Blue Mountain Forest Plan Revision open house on 4/24. He also noted a zoom meeting regarding Oregon Health Authority on 4/30. He plans to ask Ms. Shari Selander to attend and is going to ask Ms. Meghan Chancey for her input as well.

                     III.            Commissioner Alderson reported that he received an invitation for the BMCC graduation commencement and that he may attend. He also noted he has an organizational meeting for the deflection program tomorrow. He noted there is a short amount of time to get the program off the ground, so that is his priority for the month. He also noted he would likely attend the TLT meeting as well. It was also noted that there is a National Day of Prayer breakfast on 5/2 at Harvest Church.

b.      Comparison of Calendar:

9.       Adjournment

Commissioner Witham moved to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Nichols seconded the motion. Motion carried.


The April 17, 2024, Commission Session adjourned at 10:54 a.m.


Respectfully Submitted,



Meranda Woolard

Program Coordinator