Commission Session Minutes


COMMISSION CHAIR SHANE M. ALDERSON                       April 3, 2024             





The Baker County Board of Commissioners met for the April 3, 2024, Commission Session. Present were Commissioner Shane M. Alderson, Commissioner Christina Witham, and Commissioner Bruce A. Nichols.


The Commissioners met for Executive Session per ORS 192.660(2)9e): To conduct deliberations with persons designated by the governing body to negotiate real property transactions. Note: The Commissioners will return to Regular Session immediately following Executive Session to make a decision as needed.


The Commissioners came out of Executive Session and met with Baker City Manager, Barry Murphy, and Public Works Director, Joyce Bornstedt. Mr. Drew Martin, Counsel, reviewed a purchase and sale agreement with blue Mountain Lime Company, Inc. for the Marble Creek property. Mr. Murphy expressed concerns that the City was not aware that the County was moving forward so quickly and that the City did not have an opportunity to negotiate. The Commissioners will schedule a special session for April 10th to consider the Purchase and Sale Agreement followed by a work session. 


The County will pay for due diligence. The City will consult with the County prior to attempting to negotiate with the seller. 


1.      Call to Order/Invocation/Pledge of Allegiance

Commissioner Alderson called the meeting to order and led the invocation and the pledge of allegiance.


2.      Agenda Changes/Additions to the Agenda

a.       None


3.      Citizen’s Participation

a.       Mr. Curtis Martin was present to give an update on the TMDL process with the DEQ. He is looking forward to the DEQ commission session on May 22nd -23rd.  Someone from the rules advisory commission will be available to meet with Mr. Martin on May 22nd. Mr. Martin expressed frustration with the DEQ’s approach to this issue where they enforce restrictions without accurate data. Commissioner Nichols added that there are many factors that may contribute to higher levels of e-coli in the water. Commissioner Witham stated that their testing points were located in Huntington below the wastewater treatment center and in the middle of downtown Baker City. Both locations have the strong potential of having other sources of contaminants.


4.      Review/Approval of Minutes

a.       February 7, 2024, Commission Session Minutes

Commissioner Nichols moved to accept the February 7, 2024, Commission Session minutes as amended. Commissioner Witham seconded the motion. Motion carried.


5.      Scheduled Business

a.       Contract Review Board

1.      Commissioner: Hewitt/Holcomb Parks Water Supply Project Letter of Agreement with the City of Richland: The Commissioners discussed Exhibit A, which is the Anderson Perry Preliminary Cost Estimate and Technical Memorandum, and what the City of Richland had added to the letter of agreement.

Commissioner Witham moved to approve the Hewitt Holcomb Park Water Supply Project Letter of Agreement with the City of Richland. Commissioner Nichols seconded the motion. Motion carried.


2.      Commissioner: Agreement with Launch Pad Baker for Economic Development Director Services: This is an agreement with Launch Pad Baker to provide economic development director services for the period of April 1, 2024, to March 31, 2026, at a rate of $4,966.50 per month.

Commissioner Nichols moved to approve the Professional Services Agreement for Economic Development Director Services from April 1, 2024, to March 31, 2026, with Launch Pad Baker at the rate of $4,966.50 per month. Commissioner Witham seconded the motion. Motion carried.


3.      D.A.: Child Advocacy Center Funding Grant Agreement #CA023-Bakerco.DAVAP-0005: Ms. Whitney Rilee, Victim Assistant Officer, was present to request approval of the Child Advocacy Center Funding Grant Agreement #CA023-Bakerco.DAVAP-0005. She reported that the grant will help fund the strategic planner for the Child Assessment Center. The grant amount is $100,310.00 for the period of July 2023 through June 2025.

Commissioner Nichols moved to approve and accept the 2023 - 2025 Children's Advocacy Center Fund State Grant for $100,310.00. Commissioner Witham seconded the motion. Motion carried.


4.      Weed: Good Neighbor Authority Grant Application Approval: Commissioner Witham explained that the County already signed the Good Neighbor Agreement. This grant would pay for 40 miles of spraying along the Snake River area. The grant amount is $10,000.00 and will cover the cost of personnel, mileage, equipment usage, and chemicals. Commissioner Witham reported a short turnaround time for submitting the grant application, which had to be submitted on Monday. The purpose of this was to inform the Commissioners that if the grant application is approved, an agreement will be brought back for approval.    

Commissioner Nichols made a motion to approve the Good Neighbor Authority grant application in the amount of $10,000.00. Commissioner Witham seconded the motion. Motion carried. 


5.      Parks: Fizz Springs- title II Fund Request Grant Application Approval:

Commissioner Witham reported that Judge Brent Kerns and (Ted) sit on the Natural Resource Advisory Committee through the Forest Service, and they have encouraged the County to submit projects for funding. The Fizz Springs area needs new fencing, water pipes, trough, picnic tables, and a vault toilet. They are seeking funds in the amount of $80,000.00.

Commissioner Witham moved to approve the grant application for Title II funding for the Fizz Springs project. Commissioner Nichols seconded the motion. Motion carried.


6.      EDC: Quail Ridge Irrigation Project Funding Request: Mr. Jerry Peacock, EDC Chair, was present to request that the Commissioners approve funding the transfer of $300,000.00 to support the Quail Ridge Golf Course Irrigation Project.  The funds will come from the 2023-24 budget. Mr. Peacock reported that the transfer would utilize nearly half of their budgeted funds, but they are expecting additional TLT funds in July 2024.

The Commissioners reviewed their prior letter from June 2023, where they initially allocated $150,000.00 dependent on certain conditions being met by the City of Baker City. Ms. Joyce Bornstedt, Public Works Director, was present and reported that the City had received two proposals for the irrigation project. The City Council has committed to funding the project through a combination of contributions and grants, and it will be built into their 2024-25 budget for an inter-fund loan. She stated that the project will be fully funded and will send a letter confirming the funding.

Commissioner Nichols moved to approve the funding of $300,000.00 being transferred to the City of Baker City from the EDC fund budget 218 for the 2023-24 FY contingent on #1 and #2 in the June 21, 2023, letter to the Baker City Council. Commissioner Alderson seconded the motion. Commissioner Witham is opposed. Motion carried.


b.      DRAFT TLT Ordinance Discussion: Commissioner Alderson reported that the ordinance is not yet ready for hearings as there are still potential negotiations from Baker City on some items. Commissioner Nichols noted that the ordinance defines the writer as a person, and he believes it needs to be an entity. Ms. Heidi Martin, Executive Assistant, explained that today's purpose was for the Commissioners to review the draft and discuss the changes. The consensus was to add the discussion to the upcoming Special Commission Session agenda as they had not had enough time to review the ordinance before today.



6.      Documents to be Signed

a.       Order No. 2024-123: Re-Appointing Scott Thatcher to the Economic Development Council for a term set to expire March 1, 2027. 

Commissioner Nichols moved to adopt Order No. 2024-123. Commissioner Witham seconded the motion. Motion carried.


b.      Letter of Support for NEOEDD Grant Application to the US Dept. of Energy: 

Commissioner Nichols moved to approve the letter of support. Commissioner Witham seconded the motion. Motion carried.



7.      Ratification of Documents

a.       Financial Reports:

Commissioner Nichols moved to ratify the signatures of the following financial reports: C03, V26, C95, C27, C04 and the March 2024 Treasurer’s Report. Commissioner Witham seconded the motion. Motion carried.


8.      Other Business

a.       Commissioner Update:

·         Commissioner Witham reported that they will have the comment for the watershed turned in today. She made sure to include requesting an increased buffer for the roadsides and the importance of improvements to Marble Creek Pass. She plans to attend the Blue Mountain Forrest Plan Revision meeting for Baker City on April 24th.

·         Commissioner Alderson reported primarily working on County business and is in the process of scheduling staff evaluations. He has also been working on familiarizing himself with the new Measure 110 laws and working with law enforcement on implementation. He plans to focus on housing issues. 

·         Commissioner Nichols will attend the 5J Bond Oversight Council meeting on April 9th. He reported that he attended a broadband meeting. Baker County and Union County each were awarded $150,000.00 from the BTAP Grant, although award letters will not be sent out until May. During the meeting, the Broadband Deployment Program was discussed. Application submission will be open until April 25th.


Discussion: The Commissioners discussed possibly hiring a County grant writer for broadband support and other grants. The consensus was to review a sample RFP for the position and discuss it at the next Commission Session.


Discussion: Commissioner Nichols reported talking with a citizen who wants to maintain a safe pollinator garden on Baker County property. Ms. Martin explained that it could be a possibility but that they may need some more information for the insurance company.


b.      Comparison of Calendar:


9.      Adjournment

Commissioner Nichols moved to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Witham seconded the motion. Motion carried.


The April 3, 2024, Commission Session adjourned at 10:15 a.m.


Respectfully Submitted,


Erin Linan

Management Assistant