Commission Session Minutes


COMMISSION CHAIR SHANE M. ALDERSON                       March 20, 2024                     





The Baker County Board of Commissioners met for the March 20, 2024, Commission Session. Present were Commissioner Shane M. Alderson, Commissioner Christina Witham, and Commissioner Bruce A. Nichols.


1.      Call to Order/Invocation/Pledge of Allegiance

Commissioner Alderson called the meeting to order and led the invocation and the pledge of allegiance.


2.       Agenda Changes/Additions to the Agenda

a.       None


3.       Citizen’s Participation

a.       None


4.       Review/Approval of Minutes

a.       None


5.       Scheduled Business

a.       Emergency Management Department Update ~ Mr. Jason Yencopal, Emergency Management Director; Joe Johnson, MRC Assistant; Gary Timm, Fire Division Manager.

Emergency Management Director Mr. Jason Yencopal, Program Manager Joe Johnson, and Fire Division Manager Gary Timm were present to give a department update.

Mr. Timm reviewed the various grants he has been working on and the training he has provided. 

            Commissioner Alderson inquired about an update on equipment coming from the fire marshal. Mr. Timm explained that he doesn't expect Unity and Baker City to have their fire equipment until later this year.

            Mr. Timm discussed the Special districts and OSHA requirements. Federal OSHA is pushing standards down on Oregon OSHA. It affects a variety of emergency response agencies, but primarily the fire districts that may have to shut their doors. Commissioner Alderson stated that he would like to see a heavy response put out against it. The new standards will require vehicles more than 30 years old to be scrapped and vehicles more than 25 years old to be rebuilt. Mr. Timm added that replacing turnouts is very expensive and hard to replace unless grant funds are awarded.  

            Mr. Yencopal discussed a defensible space grant program that works with landowners and the importance of having an assessment done. They can receive $250 for the assessment. There's a program called TARA that helps track these types of projects. 

            Mr. Johnson gave an update on the Medical Reserve Corp. (MRC). He reported that the new equipment they received approval for will come online in the coming months. They are expanding the MRC personnel and have recently recruited two captains from Malheur County.

            Mr. Yencopal reported that he is funded through the FEMA Emergency Management Performance Grant. FEMA is adding more requirements to the grant. Mr. Yencopal serves on the Emergency Management Performance Grant Review Committee. The Committee was able to fund projects that ended up benefiting all 36 counties. He discussed changes that now require the Emergency Operation Plan to be reviewed every two years. He hopes to scale back the plan to where it is easier to read and review. 

            Mr. Yencopal reported that they need to be NIMS (National Incident Management System) compliant. He has been working with Ms. Heidi Martin, Executive Assistant, to set up County training during the week of May 6th, which will include CPR/First Aid and NIMS-required training. 

            The Ambulance Service Area Plan has been reviewed by OSHA. If there is a dual license in the County then there can be only one emergency provider but there can be multiple non-emergency providers. 

            He discussed the Continuity of Operation Plan, for which the state purchased software and provided training in Salem. In the future, the training will be held in Eastern Oregon and then can be implemented for all county departments.

            Commissioner Alderson inquired about regional training. Mr. Yencopal discussed the Ironor 24 Exercise that the State is working on. He plans to contact the local jurisdictions to see if they would be interested in participating.


b.    Justice Court Measure 110 Update ~ Judge Brent Kerns

Judge Brent Kerns was present to give an update on Measure 110. He reported attending a judge’s conference for continuing education. He was elected President at large of the Justice of the Peace Association. He continued that Baker County has a high-functioning court system, as so many small courts cannot get a defense attorney and are unable to do criminal work. They have a defense attorney who travels to Baker City from LaGrande, which allows them to hear about 20-30 criminal cases per month. They also have about 10-15 eviction hearings and 5-10 small claim hearings per month. Baker County is 1 of 6 jurisdictions that have been grandfathered in where the justice court can hear municipal court cases. Having a high-functioning Justice Court prevents the Circuit Court from being overloaded. During the conference, he learned that with the Measure 110 reform, drug cases would begin going to Circuit Court. Judge Kerns wants to see this change because it could overload the Circuit Court. He suggested that the commissioners advocate for the justice court to continue hearing drug cases. The commissioners agreed it would be best to continue allowing the justice court to hear drug cases.


c.       Contract Review Board

1.      Emergency Management: Resilience Hubs and Networks Grant Application Approval: Mr. Yencopal reported that this is a new grant from the Oregon Department of Human Services (ODHS) Office of Resilience and Emergency Management (OREM) funded through HB 3409 Section 86. The purpose of the grant is to provide a location, during an emergency, where citizens can come together to share resources and support one another. The County is still determining whether to apply as a County and share the funds with the smaller cities or to have the cities apply individually. Mr. Yencopal would like to see each community set up with a community center/shelter with backup power. They are also considering other options, such as a portable generator that could travel to various communities during times of emergency. 

Commissioner Nichols moved to authorize the application for the Resilience Hubs and Networks Grant. Commissioner Witham seconded the motion. Motion carried.


2.      Emergency Management: Slip-On Tanker Grant Approval: Mr. Yencopal reported that he is interested in applying for a grant to purchase slip-on tankers to fight fire. The tankers are portable and could benefit multiple fire districts within the County. The County will be applying for up to $200,000.00. There is no match required with this grant. 

Commissioner Nichols moved to approve authorizing Emergency Management to apply for a federal grant of up to $200,000.00 plus or minus for Slip-on Tankers for multiple entities for Baker County.  Commissioner Witham seconded the motion.  Motion carried. 


3.      Parks: Tractor and Camp Trailer Purchase Approval: Ms. Doni Bruland and Mr. John McCarrell were present to request approval to purchase a 2023 Massey Ferguson tractor/backhoe for $21,205.50. Ms. Bruland reported that the Park will open on March 22, 2024. Every spring, when they turn the water back on at the park, they find multiple water line breaks that need repair, primarily in Hewitt Park. Funds will be used from the Park's capital improvement fund. Mr. McCarrell identified multiple areas of need and stated that the tractor/backhoe is greatly needed. He added that renting a similar piece of equipment is not cost-effective. Ms. Bruland stated that other bids had been received, but Robbins Farm Equipment had the lowest bid of $21,205.50.

Commissioner Witham moved to approve the purchase of the equipment trailer purchase for the parks from Robins Farm Equipment 2023 MF GC1725MB Tractor/Loader/Backhoe for $21,205.50. Commissioner Nichols seconded the motion.  Motion carried. 


Discussion: Ms. Bruland also discussed the idea of purchasing a camp trailer for her to use when she is at the Park. The Commissioners will gather more information and take it up at the next session.


4.      City of Baker City MOU for Purchase of Marble Creek Property:

Commissioner Witham reported that the City of Baker City has signed the MOU but the Commissioners are interested in further clarifying the language pertaining to the road access. The new language states that the public access road will continue under the jurisdiction of the County. The County will make the changes and forward to the City for approval.

Commissioner Nichols moved to incorporate the changes and approve the MOU with the City of Baker City for the Purchase of Marble Creek Property. Commissioner Witham seconded the motion. Motion carried.


5.      D.A.: Child Assessment Center-Letter of Engagement ~ Insight for Action:

The District Attorney's Victim Assistance Office went out to bid and received approval to hire Insight for Action to develop a strategic plan for the Child Assessment Center. Insight for Action will perform services beginning March 18, 2024, through November 30, 2024. The fee for services is $24,510.00.

Commissioner Nichols moved to approve the agreement with Insight for Action LLC for $24,510.00 for the District Attorney’s Office for Baker County Child Assessment Center. Commissioner Witham seconded the motion. Motion carried.


6.      Commissioner: Hewitt/Holcomb Parks Water Supply Project Letter of Agreement with the City of Richland: This Letter of Agreement (LOA) outlines a basic understanding between the City of Richland and Baker County relating to the Hewitt and Holcomb Parks Water Supply Project.  The County intends to develop a water system infrastructure to support improving the potable water supply to the County Parks.  The Commissioners discussed the changes made to the LOA including the addition of the Snake River Road to the scope of the project.  The Commissioners would like to see Exhibit A and continue the discussion to the next session.    


Discussion: Commissioner Nichols discussed the US DOE grant that could improve the water system at the Park. 



6.      Documents to be Signed

a.       Order No. 2024-122: Designating County De Minimis Rate:

This order stipulates that the County may charge a de minimis rate up to 10% on federally awarded funds until further notice.

Commissioner Nichols moved to adopt Order No. 2024-122. Commissioner Witham seconded the motion. Motion carried.



7.      Ratification of Documents

a.       Financial Reports

Commissioner Nichols moved to ratify the signature of the following financial reports: C93, C97, C26, C25, C98, C98, C96, C28, and the February Treasurer’s Financial Report. Commissioner Witham seconded the motion. Motion carried.


8.      Other Business

a.       Commissioner Update:

·         Commissioner Witham reported that she met with DEQ to discuss the TMDL issue and requested that they gather the data prior to implementing any restrictions. The DEQ plans on implementing the rule without further data due to pressure from the EPA and litigation against DEQ for not implementing the TMDL. The County has asked that language be added, which would require monitoring and data collection over five years, with a review after seven years. There was a discussion about how the source of the alleged E-Coli has not been confirmed and that it can come from wildlife or the nitrates used in fertilizer.

·         Commissioner Nichols reported that he attended a Measure 110 meeting.

·         Commissioner Alderson reported that he had an EDC meeting last night and that there will be a TLTC meeting on Thursday. The contractor for the health study is in the area this week and meeting with various interested citizens. Commissioner Witham reported that she has heard that hospice services are not provided to the Unity area.  Commissioner Alderson reported he would look into it. He met with the City of Halfway to discuss housing and has requested that the small cities report to him with their housing needs.


b.      Comparison of Calendar:


9.      Adjournment

Commissioner Nichols moved to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Witham seconded the motion. Motion carried.


The March 20, 2024, Commission Session adjourned at 11:15 a.m.


Respectfully Submitted,



Erin Linan

Management Assistant