Commission Session Minutes


COMMISSION CHAIR SHANE M. ALDERSON                       March 13, 2024                     





The Baker County Board of Commissioners met for the March 13, 2024, Special Commission Session. Present were Commissioner Shane M. Alderson, Commissioner Christina Witham, and Commissioner Bruce A. Nichols.


1.      Call to Order/Invocation/Pledge of Allegiance

Commissioner Alderson called the meeting to order and led the invocation and the pledge of allegiance.


2.       Agenda Changes/Additions to the Agenda

a.       USDA APHIS Wildlife Services Work and Financial Plan



3.       Citizen’s Participation

a.       None


4.       Review/Approval of Minutes

a.       None


5.       Scheduled Business

a.       Omnia Partner Procurement Presentation: Mr. Dan McQuisten, Facilities Director, was present to discuss potential roofing projects with Omnia Partners. Baker County has been exploring additional options for accomplishing County projects, including the potential of purchasing through cooperative agreements.

          Mr. McQuisten introduced Mr. Whit Collins with the Garland Company, INC. Mr. Collins provided background information on The Garland Company, INC., a roofing and waterproofing manufacturer based in Cleveland, OH. The Garland Company, INC. differs from other manufacturers in streamlining the RFP and project processes. Tying in Omnia Partners, he explained that ORS 279A.205 allows agencies to participate in a joint cooperative for goods, services, or public improvements. He continued that Omnia Partners are a joint cooperative, meaning that the customer participating is listed as a part of the cooperative contract. In Oregon, a joint cooperative is only valid if it follows competitive bidding standards that the state requires. Racine County, Wisconsin, solicited competitive seal bidding for a wide variety of services including roofing and waterproofing services. Baker County has previously signed up for Omnia Partners in 2011 and is eligible to participate. It is free to participate in and includes benefits such as the best available material pricing.

          Commissioner Witham asked if there was currently an issue with securing contractors. Mr. McQuisten explained that it depends on the project. Specifically, for the EIFS they need to repair at the Jail, there aren’t any contractors in the area. Recent roofing projects have also taken a lot of time, and due to the project size and competitive nature, it brought in contractors outside of Baker County.

          Commissioner Nichols added that it is common to have to search outside the County for contractors, so he believes streamlining the process and using as many local contractors as possible is good.


b.      Contract Review Board

1.       Commissioner: US Dept. of Energy Grant Writer Bid Approval and Agreement: Ms. Lisa Dawson, NEOEDD, and Mr. Bryan Tweit, Baker County Economic Director, were present to discuss the US Dept. of Energy Grant Writer Bid Approval and Agreement. Ms. Dawson explained that the agreement is for a grant to be prepared for the Baker Event Center not to exceed $10,000.00. The grant is due on April 5th. She continued that it is a complicated process that she believes would take significant effort on the part of the County to provide the information that would go into the grant agreement.

          Commissioner Nichols stressed the importance of his conversation with Ms. Dawson, suggesting that it's crucial to hire the contract person as soon as possible and make every effort to meet the deadline. He mentioned that they have already received bids for $125.00 per hour. He proposed a contract wording that allows for an extension if necessary, and the deadline cannot be met. Ms. Dawson clarified that the current contract is set for the April 5th deadline and does not include such provisions.

          Mr. Tweit added the assumption and idea is that the contractor will have the ability to complete the work. The benefit to the County is that if they move forward, they have an opportunity, and if they delay, they will still have all of the data compiled and written for the grant, which may have a second window to reapply.

          Commissioner Alderson agreed with Commissioner Nichols and is comfortable moving forward.

          Commissioner Witham inquired about the information that Parc Resources and Steele Architects could provide. Mr. Tweit explained that they would be able to include a copy of the feasibility study from Parc Resources, and Steele is willing to help and assist in the process.   

Commissioner Nichols moved to approve applying for the grant subject to federal law. Commissioner Witham seconded the motion. Motion carried.


Commissioner Nichols moved to approve hiring Ms. Teresa Hogue, Grant Writer and Ms. Kristin Olson, Sub-Contractor with Grants Galore for $125.00 per hour not to exceed $10,000.00. Commissioner Witham seconded the motion. Motion carried.


Discussion: Mr. Tweit provided a secondary update. He stated that the Economic Development Council has voted and approved funding support and will vote on a funding amount at the next council meeting.

      Additionally, he stated that it identifies him as a primary contact but that he is currently not under contract with the County. Commissioner Alderson explained that they would be without a contract for at least another two weeks as he had not had an opportunity to consult with legal counsel regarding Mr. Tweit’s status. Mr. Tweit explained the implications that the delay would have on ongoing projects and deadlines and asked if there was an issue when they originally reviewed and approved the contract with the extension. Commissioner Nichols explained that there had been an issue with the RFP not including the same information as the contract. The Commissioners apologized to Mr. Tweit. They discussed the possibilities of a temporary contract to remedy the issue. Commissioner Witham stated that she would like to see a solution by session on Wednesday, March 20th. Commissioner Nichols agreed with Commissioner Witham.

      Commissioner Nichols suggested approving a temporary contract with Mr. Tweit for under $5,000.00.

Commissioner Nichols moved to approve hiring Mr. Bryan Tweit for a temporary agreement to continue doing his existing job for $4,999.00. Commissioner Witham seconded the motion. Motion carried.


2.       Assessor: ORMAP Grant Application Approval: Mr. Kerry Savage, Assessor, and Mr. Shawn Berry, Assistant Assessor, were present to request approval to apply for the ORMAP Grant. It is a non-competitive grant through the Department of Revenue. The requested grant amount is $25,000.00 with a $10,000.00 match and would be used to improve assessment maps.  

Commissioner Witham moved to approve the ORMAP Grant application for $25,000.00 with a $10,000.00 match. Commissioner Nichols seconded the motion. Motion carried.


3.       Road: Project Change Request for Holbrook Creek Rd. Bridge Project: Mr. Nolan Perkins, Roadmaster, was present to request approval of the Holbrook Creek Rd. Bridge Project. The Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) Delivered a Federal Project On Behalf of Baker County Agreement No. 7300-00015058 for Holbrook Creek Spur Road #962 bridge, executed on March 1, 2023. The preliminary engineering phase began, and the 10.27% match cost was deposited last year. The total Project cost was estimated at $2,185,693.00 and is now estimated at $3,030,693.00.

The bridge project was initially scoped as a local, state-funded bridge in 2018. The project has since moved to Federal funding, and nearly six years have passed since the initial estimate. Inflation has been substantial during this time frame. Switching to federal funds from state funds adds additional environmental and project management requirements, which has increased the cost of the preliminary engineering (PE) and construction phases. In addition, a right-of-way phase is being requested as private property acquisition is required to straighten the alignment of the approach to the State Highway. The most recent cost estimate for PE is an additional $220,000.00, with an additional estimate of $625,000.00 for right-of-way and construction. The 10.27% match for PE cost is now estimated at $61,691.17. The $39,097.17 funds were deposited under other capital projects from the 2022-2023 fiscal year budget. Sufficient funds have been allocated in the 2023-2024 budget under other capital projects for the additional $22,594.00 PE match if the change request is approved.

Commissioner Witham moved to approve the project change request for Holbrook Creek Rd. Bridge Project for the engineering for $32,864.00. Commissioner Nichols seconded the motion. Motion carried.


4.       USDA APHIS Wildlife Services Work and Financial Plan: Commissioner Witham explained that this is an extension of the current contract with Wildlife Services. She disclosed that this contract does not involve the employment of one of her family members with Wildlife Services.

Commissioner Witham moved to approve having Commission Chair Alderson sign the agreement with USDA APHIS Wildlife Services for the remaining $6,000.00. Commissioner Nichols seconded the motion. Motion carried.


c.       Greater Idaho Discussion: Mr. Mike McCarter was present to discuss Greater Idaho. Mr. McCarter addressed a meeting that had been held regarding Greater Idaho in Baker County to which the Commissioners had not been invited. He explained that representatives from the Greater Idaho Movement could not invite anyone to the meeting. Representative Breese Iverson and staff had arranged the meeting. He added that there would probably be more meetings in Baker City in the future and that if and when they should occur, he will ensure that the Commissioners are aware and have open invitations. He apologized on behalf of Greater Idaho. Commissioner Alderson expressed appreciation for Mr. McCarter’s apology and added that the public should also be invited to the meetings.

          Mr. McCarter continued with his update. Currently, eleven counties have passed measures regarding Greater Idaho. Nine of those counties are similar to Baker County, holding meetings and taking input from the public. Two of the counties, most recently Wheeler County, voted to be a part of Greater Idaho. In May, Crook County will vote on it.

          Mr. McCarter read a statement from a citizen in Wallowa County who strongly advocates for the Greater Idaho movement.

          Commissioner Nichols added that the Greater Idaho movement is being discussed but that the State will not listen. He agreed that it does not feel good in Eastern Oregon anymore.

          Mr. McCarter thanked the commissioners for their time.  



6.       Documents to be Signed

a.       None



7.       Ratification of Documents

a.       None


8.       Other Business

a.       Commissioner Update:

·         Commissioner Witham discussed questions she had received regarding the Western Heights Special Road District. Commissioner Nichols agreed to follow up on the questions as he has some background with the district. She reported attending the Forest Service Open House last night and provided updates on some of their projects.

·         Commissioner Alderson reported that he has the agreement for the Hewitt/Holcomb Water Supply Project that the City of Richland has signed. He would like it to be added to the March 20th Commission Session Agenda. He also reported attending a town hall where the Renewable Hydrogen Alliance, an advocation group for hydrogen, gave a presentation on their work promoting hydrogen. He stated that Mr. Jason Harris, Senior Director of Project Development for Novo Hydrogen, explained that there is a local project that is associated with the Department of Energy. He plans to have a meeting or work session with Ash Grove leadership and Novo Hydrogen.

·         Commissioner Nichols reported that he attended yesterday's Mental Health Advisory Committee meeting, where he discussed Measure 110 Reform with the Committee.


b.      Comparison of Calendar: There is an AOC Summit on March 18th that the commissioners plan to attend either in person or via Zoom.


9.       Adjournment

Commissioner Witham moved to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Nichols seconded the motion. Motion carried.


The March 13, 2024, Special Commission Session adjourned at 11:00 a.m.


Respectfully Submitted,



Erin Linan

Management Assistant