Commission Session Minutes

 COMMISSION CHAIR SHANE M. ALDERSON                       February 21, 2024                





The Baker County Board of Commissioners met for the February 21, 2024, Commission Session. Present were Commissioner Shane M. Alderson, Commissioner Christina Witham, and Commissioner Bruce A. Nichols.


1.      Call to Order/Invocation/Pledge of Allegiance

Commissioner Alderson called the meeting to order and led the invocation and the pledge of allegiance.


2.       Agenda Changes/Additions to the Agenda


3.       Citizen’s Participation


a.       Curtis Martin of North Powder read a letter into the record, which stated his appreciation to Ms. Doni Bruland, National Resource Advisory Council Lead. He praised Ms. Bruland’s recent work on the Department of Environmental Quality total maximum daily load plans. Mr. Martin also provided a brief update on this matter, noting his work with Senator Finley and Representative Owens and the DEQ Director. Commissioner Witham noted that that they received an extension to the comment period to March 8, 2024.


4.       Review/Approval of Minutes

a.       January 16, 2024, Special Commission Session Minutes

Commissioner Nichols moved to approve January 16, 2024, Special Commission Session Minutes. Commissioner Witham seconded the motion. Motion carried.


5.       Scheduled Business

a.       Executive Session per ORS 192.660(2)(h):

Commissioners returned to regular session and made the following motion.

Commissioner Witham moved to give Commission Chair Alderson the authority to sign out of session a settlement agreement for BOLI Case Number STEMSH231115-71428. Commissioner Nichols seconded the motion. Motion carried.



b.      BLM Update ~ District Manager Shane DeForest & Acting Baker Field Manager Sandy Tennnyson:

Mr. DeForest provided an introduction and reported that he has been the Vale District Manager since October 2023. He also noted that he has worked for the Vale District since 2015. He was accompanied by Acting Baker Field manager, Sandra Tennyson.  Mr. DeForest explained that a quarterly report had been provided to the Commissioners and provided an update on a few key topics in our area within the report.



c.        BMCC Update ~ Director Jeff Nelson, Coordinator O’Keeya Brown, & President Mark Browning

Jeff Nelson, O’Keeya Brown, and Mark Browning provided updates on Blue Mountain Community College. Mr. Nelson explained that BMCC has been in Baker for about 24 years and made note of partnerships with schools in our area. He also discussed that BMCC will be moving locations to 10th Street.  Ms. Brown noted improvements on community involvement and outreach. She explained that one service they offer is a free meeting space for community members.  She also noted that last year BMCC hosted Math and Nature summer camps. She explained that they had 3 camps in which about 20 students attended each session. She also noted the Nifty NASA camp that was attended by about 10 girls. She discussed their priority to keep costs low and noted that they had a scholarship that covered the camp fees. Mr. Nelson compared BMCC tuition costs to other schools in Oregon. Mr. Browning noted that BMCC has the same accreditation as larger schools such as Eastern Oregon University and Oregon State University.  Mr. Browning also provided a brief financial update and explained that they are operating within their means and other financial improvements. Commissioner Witham questioned the capacity of their meeting rooms. Ms. Brown explained that the largest room holds about 30 people.  Commissioner Alderson asked how many classes are in person versus online. Mr. Nelson responded that since the pandemic, there is an increase in online classes compared to in person. He noted it is about a six online to one in person ratio.

Mr. Dan McQuisten expressed his support for the summer camps provided by BMCC as he noted that his daughter had attend them in the past. Mr. Curtis Martin also praised BMCC’s meat processing lab facility.

d.      Peacock EDC Update- Career Day Baker High School- Tuesday the 27th:

Mr. Jerry Peacock, Baker County Unlimited Board President and Economic Development Council Chair reported that the EDC has signed the RFP agreement with Baker County Unlimited and recommends approval by the commissioners. In a previous session, there were questions around the agreement and budget. Executive Assistant, Heidi Martin clarified that when the RFP went out, they requested five years of service, which is reflected in this agreement. She explained there is a tiered increase in payment. She also noted performance measures and reporting requirements to the TLT committee. The agreement and budget were provided to the commissioners.

Mr. Peacock also noted that at the EDC meeting yesterday, the EDC recommends transferring funds from their “218” account to their “318” account to support their EDC grant. He noted that this grant is designed to support new businesses with current operations or potentially some startup costs as well as tourism type actives. Businesses can apply from between $500 to $10,000.  He also noted that the EDC approved their strategic plan, which is a skeleton of what they aim to accomplish in the next five years. He explained the EDC recommends commissioner approval. Mr. Peacock reported that they intend to apply for a grant through the Department of Energy to support the event center project. He explained that they are working with NEOEDD on this and may need to utilize some funds to support their efforts. Lastly, he reported that the EDC reviewed the contract for the EDC Director and recommends the commissioners approve that contract as well.



e.       Contract Review Board

1.       Facilities: Plumbing Contractor Bid Approval: Mr. Dan McQuisten, Facilities Director was present to request approval of the plumbing bid from Integra T Plumbing for $99.00 per hour labor plus materials. He indicated this was the lowest bid received.  He reported that this is for the construction project on the bottom floor of the Courthouse to install and ADA restroom.

Commissioner Nichols moved to approve bid with Integra T Plumbing for $99.00 per hour plus material costs. Commissioner Witham seconded the motion. Motion carried.


2.       Facilities: Electrician Bid Approval: Mr. McQuisten requested approval of the bid for time and materials from Arros Electric for $80.00 per hour and Whelan Electric for $80.00 per hour. Both contractors will be utilized for different phases of the project.

Commissioner Nichols moved approve the bids from Arros Electric for $80.00 per hour and Whelan Electric $80.00 per hour. Commissioner Witham seconded the motion. Motion carried.


3.       Facilities: Jail Facilities Stainless Steel Countertop Purchase Approval: Mr. McQuisten requested approval to purchase stainless steel countertops from Stainless Plus Inc. for $29,000.00. It was noted that this would include countertops for the booking area, laundry and control room Commissioner Witham expressed concern with the cost associated with the stainless steel countertops primarily in regards to the control room. Commissioner Nichols asked if they had researched the costs with tearing out and replacing the countertops with another material. Mr. McQuisten clarified that this was the only option they had looked into at this point and that it was the preferred material and installation method as the tops are placed over the current structures. It was also noted that there may be some other upgrades to the control room in the future. The commissioners requested that Mr. McQuisten explore other options to provide a baseline for the cost of the repairs.

4.       DA: 2023-2025 VOCA Non-Competitive Grant Agreement No. VOCA-NC-2023-BakerCo.DAVAP-00037: Ms. Whitney Rilee, Victim Assistance Officer, reported that this grant funds half of the Child Assessment Coordinators salary as well as provides funds for supplies for the Child Assessment Center.

Commissioner Nichols moved to approve the VOCA Non-Competitive Grant Agreement No. VOCA-NC-2023-BakerCo.DAVAP-00037 beginning in October 1, 2023 and ending September 30, 2025 for $128,594.72 with no match requirement. Commissioner Witham seconded the motion. Motion carried.


5.       Travel Baker County: Visitor Guide: Ms. Jessica Hobson, Travel Baker County Director, requested approval of printing 30,000 copies of the visitor guide with an estimated cost $14,784.97 from Oregon Web Press.

Commissioner Witham moved to approve the printing of 30,000 copies of the Travel Baker County Visitors Guide for $14,784.97. Commissioner Nichols seconded the motion. Discussion: It was noted that the price discussed was an estimate and staff suggested setting a not to exceed price cap as the price might change slightly.

Commissioner Witham amended her motion to approve the printing of 30,000 copies of the Travel Baker County Visitors Guide for a price not to exceed $15,000.00. Commissioner Nichols seconded the motion. Motion carried.


6.       Baker Sage-Grouse LIT: OWEB Grant Agreement for Engagement Grant No. 224-8206-23389: Ms. Morgan Solomon, LIT Coordinator, was present to request approval of the grant # 224-8206-23389. She reported that this is a stakeholder engagement grant that funds approximately 80% of the LIT Coordinators salary as well as some engagement activities.

Commissioner Nichols moved to approve Commissioner Alderson signing Grant No. 224-8206-23389-stakeholder engagement biennium #3. OWEB is requesting $172,259.00 for a total project amount of $284,887.00 with an award date of 12/15/2023 and project completion date of 9/30/2025. Commissioner Witham seconded the motion. Motion carried.

7.       2024-2025 Intergovernmental Agreement for the Financing of Community Mental Health, Addiction Treatment, Recovery, & Prevention, and Problem Gambling Services Agreement # PO-44300-00026002. Commissioner Nichols reported that this grant is for New Directions for the services they provide and is an update to what was signed previously.

Commissioner Nichols moved to approve the 2024-2025 Intergovernmental Agreement # PO-44300-00026002 for the Financing of Community Mental Health, Addiction Treatment, Recovery, & Prevention, and Problem Gambling Services from January 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025.  Commissioner Witham seconded the motion. Motion carried.


8.       Modification Agreement #2: Unity Water Tower Consultant: Ms. Heidi Martin, Executive Assistant, requested approval of the Professional Services Agreement with Mr. Mark Bennett, set to expire October 1, 2024, for $40.00 per hour and reimbursement for travel at the Baker County rate. She noted that Mr. Bennett has been assisting with the water tower project in Unity. The project is expected to be completed by June 30, 2024. Mr. Bennett’s agreement would expire October 1, 2024 to allow time for the necessary grant reporting.

Commissioner Nichols moved to approve the Modification Agreement #2 with Mark Bennett for project management services on the Unity water tower project at a rate of $40.00 per hour plus travel reimbursement. Commissioner Witham seconded the motion. Motion carried.


9.       Noxious Weed Control Contract Services RFP: Commissioner Witham discussed the changes to the Noxious Weed Control Contract Services RFP. She also made note of suggestions from Weed Board member, Bruce Hummell, which were not added. Ms. Martin noted Mr. Hummel’s comment regarding the use of subcontractors for spraying and noted the wording would be adjusted to include that suggestion to the scope of practice. It was discussed that the RFP would be open for two weeks. Consensus to move forward was provided from the Commissioners.


10.   Admin: Professional Services Agreement with Baker County Unlimited (BCU):

Commissioner Nichols moved to approve the 5 year Professional Services Agreement with Baker County Unlimited. Commissioner Witham seconded the motion. Motion carried.


Discussion: The commissioners discussed the contract with Launch Pad Baker (Bryan Tweit). It was noted that there is a 5% increase and the contract would be for an additional two years.  

Commissioner Witham moved to approve the contract with Launch Pad Baker as agreed with a 5% cap ending in 2026. Nichols seconded the motion. Motion carried.


Commissioner Witham moved to approve Chair Alderson signing the contract with Launch Pad Baker out of session. Nichols seconded. Motion carried.


Discussion: Commissioner Nichols moved to approve a transfer of $80,000.00 from fund 218 to fund 318 for the Economic Development Grant. Commissioner Witham seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Discussion: It was discussed that a resolution would be needed.


Discussion: Commissioner Witham moved to approve Chair Alderson signing the Department of Energy B2H grant application out of session. Commissioner Nichols seconded the motion. Motion carried.  


f.        TLTC: Review of Lodging Tax Rate: Commissioner Nichols reported that he is not in favor of keeping the lodging tax rate at 7%.  He explained that some surrounding counties are greater than that. He also reported that people other than lodging businesses, are in favor of it because it is not a tax on Baker County citizens. He explained that lodging partners believe that the increase will hurt their businesses, but he disagrees.  The TLTC recommended keeping the lodging tax rate at 7%, but Commissioner Nichols expressed that the rate should be at least 9%.  Commissioner Witham and Alderson expressed that they do not foresee the increase in rate affecting businesses negatively.

Commissioner Nichols moved to recommend increasing the current lodging tax from 7% to 9%. Commissioner Witham seconded the motion. Discussion: Ms. Heidi Martin reported that this would need to be rewritten into the ordinance and would require two public hearings.  Motion carried.


g.      Good Neighbor Authority Program with BLM: Commissioner Witham discussed that this a standard MOU with the BLM.

Commissioner Witham moved to approve Good Neighbor Authority agreement with BLM for a duration of up 5 years.  Commissioner Nichols seconded the motion. Motion carried.


h.      Baker County Tax Levy

1.       Order No. 2024-115: Vector Control Local Option Levy: Matt Hutchinson, Baker Valley Vector Control Manager, reported that the option levy allows them to maintain their operations. He noted that the funding level hasn’t changed and the Levy is for $140,000.

Commissioner Witham moved to approve Order No. 2024-115 : Vector Control Local Option Levy for $140,000.00 . Commissioner Nichols seconded the motion. Discussion: Commissioner Nichols noted that the agreement is for four years. Motion carried.


2.       Order No. 2024-116: Weed Control Local Option Levy:

Commissioner Witham moved to approve Order No. 2024-116 Weed Control Local Option Levy for a term of 4 years in the amount of $130,000.00 per year.  Commissioner Nichols seconded the motion. Motion carried.



6.       Documents to be Signed

a.       None



7.       Ratification of Documents

a.       Juvenile: Specialty Court Grant Program Agreement SCP-23-49: Ms. Staci Erickson reported that they applied for this grant and had requested close to $70,000.00, but they were awarded $8,039.00.  She reported that Baker County was the only specialty court on this side of the state that received any funding. This will help support training efforts for the Specialty Court Coordinator member and provides funding for housing in the Oxford home in Baker, assessment fees, and uninsured medical expenses. Commissioner Alderson signed this agreement out of session on February 14, 2024.

Commissioner Nichols moved to ratify Commissioner Alderson’s signature on the Specialty Court Grant Program Agreement SCP-23-49. Commissioner Witham seconded the motion. Motion carried.


b.      Chapter 11 Opioid Bankruptcy Ballot Case No. 22-22549: Ms. Martin reported that County Counsel, Kim Mosier had reviewed the document previously and Commissioner Alderson had signed out of session due to the short timeframe.  

Commissioner Nichols moved to ratify Commissioner Alderson’s signature on the Chapter 11 Opioid Bankruptcy Ballot Case No. 22-22549. Commissioner Witham seconded the motion. Motion carried.


c.       Financial Reports: C85, C87, C88, V25, C19, and the Treasurer’s Financial Report for January 2024

Commissioner Nichols moved to approve Accounts Payable and Accounts Payable reports: C85, C87, C88, V25, Payroll, Payroll Accounts Payable report C19, and the Treasurer’s Financial Report for January 2024. Commissioner Witham seconded the motion, Motion carried.


8.       Other Business

a.       Commissioner Update:

Commissioner Witham reported that there is an Oregon State University Dinner tomorrow night. She also reported that next Tuesday she plans to attend the Eastern Oregon Caucus call, a BIC meeting at OTEC, a Weed board meeting, and an NRAC meeting. On the following Wednesday she plans to attend the Northern Blues Forest Collaborative meeting. 


Commissioner Nichols provided a brief update on the 2023 Baker County Wasteshed Opportunity to Recycle Report. He noted that Baker Sanitary had requested an extension on the carcass dump project, as they were not able to complete that project by December. He also noted that the project regarding restaurant composting food had a slow start, but they expect that to pick up soon. Commissioner Nichols reported that he would need to sign the report out of session.


Commissioner Witham moved to approve Commissioner Nichols to sign out of session the 2023 Baker County Wasteshed Opportunity to Recycle Report. Commissioner Alderson seconded the motion. Motion carried.


Commissioner Witham reported that the Dept. of Administrative Services (DAS) legislative funding of $2,000,000 has not been obligated yet.  Commissioner Alderson reported that the Economic Development Director had requested funding with the intent of using the money for the Event Center on the property the County purchased from the Ward family.  The grant agreement allows the funds to be used on infrastructure projects including water, sewer, broadband, etc.  Commissioner Alderson reported that he would meet with the Director and EDC Chair to identify specific projects.  The Commissioners were in agreement that they wanted the funds to be used towards the proposed Event Center.


Commissioner Alderson reported that he attended the caucus call and recently attended a housing taskforce meeting with the City.  He is waiting to see what happens with housing in the legislative short session.  He will also be meeting with Sean Lee regarding OSHA’s new rule that requires fire departments to purchase all new equipment within five years.  The Commissioners discussed signing a letter opposing the new rule.


Commissioner Witham reported that she has asked Counsel to draft a purchase agreement to review prior to developing an MOU with the City to purchase the Marble Creek property.  Commissioner Witham also noted the foreclosure bill and recreational immunity bill that is currently moving through legislative session.  Commissioner Nichols added that it doesn’t appear that daylight savings time will take effect.   


b.      Comparison of Calendar:


9.       Adjournment

Commissioner Witham moved to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Nichols seconded the motion. Motion carried.


The February 21, 2024, Commission Session adjourned at 12:20 p.m.


Respectfully Submitted,




Meranda Woolard

Program Coordinator