The Baker County Board of Commissioners met for the December 20, 2023, Commission Session. Present were Commissioner Shane M. Alderson, Commissioner Christina Witham, and Commissioner Bruce A. Nichols.
1. Call to Order/Invocation/Pledge of Allegiance
Commissioner Alderson called the meeting to order and led the invocation and the pledge of allegiance.
2. Agenda Changes/Additions to the Agenda
3. Citizen’s Participation
4. Review/Approval of Minutes
a. November 1, 2023, Commission Session Minutes
Commissioner Nichols moved to approve November 1, 2023, Commission Session minutes as written. Commissioner Witham seconded the motion. Motion carried.
5. Scheduled Business
a. Public Hearing:
1. Order No. 2023-154: Adopting a Baker County Fee Schedule for 2024
There was no public testimony in favor or opposition.
Ms. Heidi Martin, Executive Assistant, reported that additional fees related to the surplus property policy may come before the Commissioners for consideration next year once the policy is approved.
Commissioner Nichols moved to approve Order No. 2023-154 Adopting a Baker County Fee Schedule for 2024. Commissioner Witham seconded the motion. Motion carried.
b. Crossroads Carnegie Art Center Update ~ Ginger Savage, Executive Director
Ms. Ginger Savage, Executive Director of Crossroads Carnegie Art Center, was present to give an update. She reported that she also represents the Cultural Advocacy Coalition of the State of Oregon as a Board Member. They represent the largest Cultural Institutions in the State of Oregon, giving voice to arts and cultures in the halls of government. Every five years, Americans for the Arts conducts a national survey of the economic impacts of arts and culture. The Arts and Economic Prosperity Survey (AEP6) was completed across the Country, and 22 Oregon communities participated. Baker, Union, and Wallowa counties worked together for over a year, which was made possible by Travel Oregon and the Northeast Oregon Economic Development District (NEOEDD). Baker County had 13 organizations out of 15 qualifying organizations complete the survey. The direct economic impact of arts and culture on Eastern Oregon is over $6 million. Arts in Northeast Oregon provided 144 jobs that paid their employees $4.4 million. Local city/county revenues from the Arts in Northeast Oregon were over $155,000.00, state revenue was over $287,000.00, and over $1 million in federal tax revenue. The State of Oregon Arts and Culture created an $829 million impact, providing Oregon with over 13,000 jobs. For-profit and nonprofit arts and culture are 3.4% of Oregon's gross domestic product.
Ms. Savage continued to discuss the impact and importance of arts and culture in Northeast Oregon. She added that Baker County born artist Gary Ernest Smith will be having his last gallery and retrospective show at Crossroads Carnegie Art Center on May 24, 2024, and will run through July 21, 2024. The show will be the largest in their history.
c. Sheriff/911/Corrections/Parole & Probation Department Update ~ Sheriff Travis Ash
Sheriff Travis Ash was present to give a department update. He reported approximately 48 employees between divisions, not including volunteers. Calls for service have increased over the last three years. He also noted a decrease in patrol cases, with 607 this year compared to 722 in 2022. The Community Service Deputy was created in 2022. The position enforces the Nuisance Ordinance, is a liaison for people experiencing homelessness, and is involved with the schools. Deputy Daisy, a scent-tracking canine, joined the BCSO in January 2023. Daisy will be utilized in criminal investigations and critical search and rescue operations. State Farm recently donated $10,000.00 to her. She will attend training in California in February 2024. The Dispatch Division has a total of 15 staff, which includes reserves. The Corrections Division is down two positions. He reviewed Senate Bill 48, stipulating when someone can be held in jail and when they must be released. The Parole and Probation Division is co-located with New Directions Northwest and has five staff members with approximately 193 offenders under supervision. The Search and Rescue Division has 20 active volunteers. They have several specialized teams, including rope rescue, dive, air scent canine, and tracking canine. Department events and BCSO community involvement include Fishing with a Deputy, Pine Eagle Charter School, Baker Middle School, Burnt River Charter School, National Night Out, Kids & Cops Sno-Cone Trailer, Baker City Backpack Program, Baker County Safe Communities Coalition, Community Service Deputy-Schools, Soroptimist Walk for Awareness, Community Connection Senior Lunch Service, Albertsons Turkey Dinner Giveaway, and Shop with a Cop.
d. Contract Review Board
1. Sheriff: Vehicle Purchase Approval: Sheriff Ash requested approval to purchase a 2023 Ram 2500 patrol truck from Tonkin Hillsboro for $49,987.00 to replace the Idaho Power Contract position patrol vehicle. If the vehicle is no longer available, he would like to purchase the 2024 model from Baker Auto Ranch for $55,395.00. Dick’s Wilsonville also submitted a bid for a 2024 Ram 2500 patrol truck for $54,995.00.
Commissioner Witham moved to approve the vehicle purchase for the Sheriff’s Office of any of the three vehicle bids, depending on availability. Commissioner Nichols amended the motion to clarify that priority will be given to Tonkin Hillsboro for the 2023 Ram 2500 patrol truck for $49,987.00, then Baker Auto Ranch for the 2024 Ram 2500 patrol truck for $55,395.00, and then Dick’s Wilsonville for the 2024 Ram 2500 patrol truck for $54,995.00. Commissioner Witham seconded the amended motion. Motion carried.
2. Parole & Probation: 2023-25 Biennial Plan Approval & IGA #6521with the Department of Corrections: Lt. Ryan Downing was present to request approval of the 2023-25 Biennial Plan and Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) #6521 with the Department of Corrections. The Biennial Plan document is required by the Oregon Department of Corrections to demonstrate how funds allocated to Baker County Sheriff's Office - Parole and Probation are being spent during the 2023-25 biennium. The Plan received approval from the Local Public Safety Coordinating Council (LPSCC). Lt. Downing reported that Baker County is allocated .49%. They did not receive as much funding as they would like, so he plans to ask for additional funds in the short session in 2024.
Commissioner Nichols moved to approve the 2023-25 Biennial Plan for Parole and Probation. Commissioner Witham seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Witham moved to approve IGA #6521 between the State of Oregon Department of Corrections and Baker County. Commissioner Nichols seconded the motion. Motion carried.
3. Juvenile: Amendment #2 to Grant No. 15660 (JCP Funds Approval): Ms. Staci Erickson, Juvenile Director, was present to request approval of Amendment #2 to Grant No. 15660 Juvenile Crime Prevention (JCP) Funds. The amendment was previously approved at the 12/06/2023 Commission Session; however, an error was discovered, and this amendment is the corrected version. This agreement provides $133,000.00 in grant funds to the County for Juvenile Crime Prevention. The funding covers the salary of the Youth Accountability Officer. It equates to an additional $73,000.00.
Commissioner Nichols moved to approve the amended agreement for the JCP Funds for Juvenile in the amount of $133,000.00. Commissioner Witham amended the motion to clarify it is Amendment #2 to Grant No. 15660 effective July 1, 2023. Commissioner Nichols seconded the amended motion. Motion carried.
4. SB5506 Grant Agreement #107-2023-5506-09: The grant provides $2,250,000.00 to be used towards water, sewer, road, and broadband development. The agreement expires June 30, 2025.
Commissioner Nichols moved to approve Agreement #107-2023-5506-09 for $2,250,000.00. Commissioner Witham seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Mr. Tweit reported that Steele Architects will be present to meet with the Commissioners on January 15th. A work session is tentatively set for 10 a.m. on that day.
Steele Architects is looking to establish a "study group" that will assist them in the development of the plans for the property formerly owned by the Ward family. The EDC committee wants to be part of the study group. The Commissioners would like to see a wide representation of community members on the study group. Mr. Jerry Peacock, EDC Chair, would like to see the EDC serve as the study group in addition to any others that the Commissioners designate to serve. The Commissioners agreed to wait until they meet with Steele Architects before they make a decision on who they want to serve on the "study group" committee.
5. Facilities: Emergency Operations Center RFP Extension Approval: Mr. Dan McQuisten, Facilities Director, was present to request approval of an extension of the Emergency Operations Center RFP to January 4, 2024, at 4 P.M. to allow interested parties additional time to respond. Initially, they didn't receive any response to the RFP; since then, they have reached out to other parties and may have an interested provider. The Commissioners agreed.
6. Health Department: Communications Professional Services Agreement: This is an agreement for shared marketing services through the Coalition of Local Health Officials.
Commissioner Witham moved to approve the Health Department’s Communication Professional Services Agreement with the first installment of $15,278.00 due by January 20, 2024, and second installment of $24,851.00 due by July 20, 2024. The effective date of the agreement ends on Jun 30, 2025. Commissioner Nichols seconded the motion. Motion carried.
e. National Association of Counties Dues Approval:
Commissioner Nichols moved to approve the NACo dues invoice in the amount of $450.00 for the 2024 calendar year. Commissioner Witham seconded the motion. Motion carried.
6. Documents to be Signed
a. None
7. Ratification of Documents
a. Juvenile: Specialty Court Grant Application Ratification:
Commissioner Nichols moved to ratify the Specialty Court Grant Application in the amount of $92,487.52. Commissioner Witham seconded the motion. Motion carried.
b. Financial Reports: V23, C70, C72, C74, C15, and the November Treasurer’s Financial Report.
Commissioner Nichols moved to ratify the aforementioned financial reports. Commissioner Witham seconded the motion. Motion carried.
8. Other Business
a. Commissioner Update:
· Commissioner Witham discussed an in-stream water rights letter she shared with the other Commissioners. The letter involves Baker County standing up for ranchers' and producers' in-stream water rights. They were all in support of signing the letter. She also reported participating in a call with the Forest Service of Washington, D.C., regarding the Old Growth Forest Plan, which includes about 120 forests where they would like the plan to be reviewed and revised.
· Commissioner Alderson plans to attend the Eastern Oregon Caucus call on January 2nd, NEACT on January 4th, Powder River Correctional Facility on January 18th, and TEC on January 16th. He reported having a small house fire on December 15th. He commended the emergency services on a job well done.
· Commissioner Nichols reported attending a New Directions meeting on December 12th where they discussed Measure 110. He also attended a NEOEDD meeting where they discussed broadband.
Discussion: Commissioner Witham added that she sent her thoughts in on an amicus brief filed by Representative Cliff Bentz on the Limit of Executive Abuses of the Antiquities Act. The Obama and Biden administrations used it to land grab, including the Cascade Siskiyou National Forest, which took away some of the O&C ability to harvest timber for the counties' revenues.
b. Comparison of Calendar:
9. Adjournment
Commissioner Witham moved to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Nichols seconded the motion. Motion carried.
The December 20, 2023, Commission Session adjourned at 11:20 A.M.
Respectfully Submitted,
Erin Linan
Management Assistant |