The Baker County Board of Commissioners met for the September 19, 2023, Special Commission Session. Present were Commissioner Shane M. Alderson, Commissioner Christina Witham, and Commissioner Bruce A. Nichols.
1. Call to Order/Invocation/Pledge of Allegiance
Commissioner Alderson called the meeting to order and led an invocation and the pledge of allegiance.
2. Agenda Changes
3. Scheduled Business
a. Contract Review Board
1. EM: OHA IGA Grant Agreement #181075-0: The local Hospitals in Baker, Union, Wallowa, Malheur, and Umatilla counties receive healthcare coalition funding and have decided to put all of these funds together to fund the Eastern Oregon Regional Medical Reserve Corp. The Oregon Health Authority administers these funds through the Healthcare Preparedness Program (HPP). The funds are used for the EORMRC coordinator position, which aids in the training and response of the volunteers. There is no match requirement for the funds.
Commissioner Nichols moved to approve the Grant Agreement with the Oregon Health Authority, Grant Agreement No. 181075 to fund the Eastern Oregon Regional Medical Reserve Corp. for an amount up to $53,928.00 to pay for allowable expenses. Commissioner Witham seconded the motion. Motion carried.
2. Health Dept.: School Based Health Center Medical Services Agreement with Baker School District 5J: The Baker County Health Department has previously contracted with the Baker School District 5J to provide the School-Based Health Center for over 30 years. The contract is updated every two years.
Commissioner Nichols moved to approve the agreement between the School District 5J and the Baker County Health Department. Commissioner Witham seconded the motion. Motion carried.
3. Baker Sage-Grouse LIT: Carcass Disposal Station: Construction Contracts: Ms. Morgan Solomon, Baker Sage-Grouse Local Implementation Team Coordinator, requested approval of the Carcass Disposal Station construction contracts. The Board of Commissioners reviewed bid proposals for the groundwork and construction of the asphalt pad for the compost site at the August 16, 2023, Commission Session. They approved a Notice of Intent to Award Contracts with O'Connell Excavating LLC for the groundwork and Hampton's Inc./Roger's for the asphalt paving. Authorized representatives from each company have approved the contracts. O'Connell Excavating will complete the groundwork for $48,500.00, and Roger's Asphalt Paving will complete the construction of the asphalt pad for $37,336.00.
Commissioner Witham moved to approve accepting the construction contracts for the Baker Sage-Grouse LIT Carcass Disposal Station. Commissioner Nichols seconded the motion. Motion carried.
b. Eastern Oregon Counties Association (EOCA): Membership Dues: The EOCA Basic Membership Dues are $10,000.00 for FY 2023-24. The Blue Mountain Intergovernmental Committee (BIC) option is an additional $5,000.00, and the Eastern Oregon Economic Summitt option is an additional $1,000.00 to $5,000.00 suggested contribution. The Commissioners agreed that the Eastern Oregon Counties Association is valuable and imperative to support. They would like to gather more information on the BIC and determine if they would be available to attend the Eastern Oregon Economic Summitt before approving a financial commitment.
Commissioner Witham moved to approve the Basic Membership with EOCA for the FY 2023-24 for the amount of $10,000.00. Commissioner Nichols seconded the motion. Motion carried.
c. Revision/Update Discussion: Ordinance No. 2017-03 Authorizing the Operation of All-Terrain Vehicles on Designated County Roadways: Commissioner Witham reported that the Road Department has received complaints regarding the ATV Ordinance. She reviewed the ordinance, found it outdated, with multiple errors, and created a draft revision for consideration. Commissioner Witham highlighted changes that were made to correspond correctly with the current Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS). She explained that she did not take away from the original ordinance but simplified it, corrected technical errors, and adjusted it for accuracy.
Commissioner Nichols inquired about when the ORS had changed. Commissioner Witham explained that the ORS continually change as ATVs increase in size.
Commissioner Witham added that if Commissioner Nichols and Alderson agree with her suggested changes, she will have County Counsel review it.
The consensus was to have County Counsel review the ordinance.
4. Documents to be Signed
a. Order No. 2023-146 Re-Appointing Beverly Calder to the Transient Lodging Tax Committee for a term set to expire August 1, 2026.
Commissioner Witham moved to approve Order No. 2023-146. Commissioner Nichols seconded the motion. Motion carried.
5. Ratification of Documents
a. Road: ODOT IGA No. 73000-00011105: Project Name: US30: (10th St) / Hughes – Cedar St (Baker) Baker City/Baker County: Ms. Heidi Martin, Executive Assistant, reported that the signatures for the IGA were obtained outside of session due to the September 14th deadline. It originated through the Road Department, who recommended it be approved.
Commissioner Nichols moved to ratify the signatures for Intergovernmental Agreement for Project US30: (10th St) / Hughes – Cedar St upgrades for Baker City and Baker County ODOT IGA No. 73000-00011105. Commissioner Witham seconded the motion. Motion carried.
6. Other Business:
a. Commissioner Update:
· Commissioner Alderson reported working remotely as he and his family await the arrival of their daughter. He plans to take some time away from work following her birth.
· Commissioner Nichols reported attending a NEOEDD meeting on September 14th. He plans to attend the Legislative Committee meeting/ retreat on September 21st and a Broadband Educational Session on September 26th.
· Commissioner Witham reported attending an AOC Natural Resource Meeting, Ethics Training, Wellness Committee Meeting, and an Employee Association Meeting. She plans to attend a meeting today to discuss wildfire mapping.
b. Comparison of Calendar: Commissioner Nichols and Witham plan to attend the OTEC Power Eastern Oregon Summitt on September 20th and the District 1 Meeting on September 29th.
1. Baker County Employee Wellness Committee: Walktober Announcement
7. Adjournment
Commissioner Nichols moved to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Witham seconded the motion. Motion carried.
The September 19, 2023, Commission Session adjourned at 10:30 A.M.
Respectfully Submitted,
Erin Linan
Management Assistant |