The Baker County Board of Commissioners met for the July 5, 2023, Commission Session. Present were Commissioner Shane M. Alderson, Commissioner Christina Witham, and Commissioner Bruce A. Nichols.
1. Call to Order/Invocation/Pledge of Allegiance
Commissioner Alderson called the meeting to order and led the invocation and the pledge of allegiance.
2. Agenda Changes/Additions to the Agenda
3. Citizen’s Participation
a. Beverly Calder of Baker City was present to discuss a recent social media posting by the Baker City Mayor. She believes that it is important for all local leaders to address "that there is no place in our community for hate or intolerance and furthermore that we seek inclusivity and participation," she requested that the Commissioners make a statement that claims "Baker City's inclusivity and respect for all but specifically the LGBTQ+ community, the Jewish community, and anyone who has been marginalized in our history in our society for our future.".
b. Jeana Phillips thanked the Commissioners for speaking with her individually about her concerns regarding a recent social media post by the Baker City Mayor. She requested that the Commissioners make a statement that "Represents all of us in this community. Saying that we are a very welcoming, inclusive, and supportive space for whoever chooses to come to our county.".
4. Review/Approval of Minutes
a. June 21, 2023, Commission Session Minutes
Commissioner Nichols moved to approve the June 21, 2023, Commission Session Minutes. Commissioner Witham seconded the motion. Motion carried.
5. Scheduled Business
a. Treasurer Update ~ Traci Robinson, Interim
Ms. Traci Robinson, Interim Treasurer/Tax Collector, was present to give a department update. Ms. Alice Durflinger, as Treasurer/Tax Collector, officially retired on June 30, 2023. Ms. Robinson reported that she was sworn in as Interim Treasurer/Tax Collector on Monday, July 3, 2023. Her office is in the hiring process to fill her previous position, and as a result, they have been busy keeping up with the workload.
b. St. Alphonsus Hospital Birthing Center Closure Discussion: Commissioner Alderson reported the County has put together a group to manage the aspects the County has with the possible closure of the hospital birth center. The group includes a variety of individuals with different backgrounds and professional experience. Meghan Chancey, Health Department Director, is looking into medical aspects and transportation. Mark Bennett has been a liaison between other public officials and the County. Currently, they are attempting to get an extension as they do not feel thirty days is adequate to prepare for the closure. He would prefer to find a solution to keep the birthing center open. U.S. Senator Wyden has been instrumental in contacting people in the Trinity Health Group and Saint Alphonsus. Commissioner Alderson has spoken to U.S. Senator Ron Wyden, Jessica Keys with U.S. Senator Jeff Merkley's Office, Senator Lynn Findley, Representative Mark Owens, and the Governor's Office. They will continue to have meetings and gather data.
Commissioner Witham stated that she would like the outcome to be that the birth center remains open whether or not Trinity Health Care Systems operates it. Commissioner Nichols and Commissioner Alderson agreed.
Discussion: Richland Mayor Patrick Lattin reported he has had many requests from his community for him to speak about this issue. It is part of their agenda to try to become more self-sufficient and for Baker County to provide the services they need so they don't have to travel elsewhere for what they need. They want to bring young people here that will raise families and have children in the school in Halfway. He explained that they promote all those aspects but are losing the birthing unit. He expressed his support from his community for the Commissioners to make decisions. He is looking for the County to provide some leadership on the issue and for the mayors in their communities to show support. He believes this is a significant issue as things keep leaving, and as East Oregonians, we cannot allow this as it will impact our future.
Commissioner Alderson stated that the County is taking the lead on the issue, trying to find solutions. He explained that an argument he has heard for the closure is that Baker County is an aging community. However, people near retirement age have expressed that they don't want to see a stop to young people moving in and raising their families. They want to see their children and grandchildren have a place to take over the legacies they have left behind.
Makayla Hobbs of Baker City reported that due to the birthing center closure, she began working on a project that involves contacting mothers to collect birth stories, local medical providers, the Oregon Department of Transportation, and U.S. Senator Ron Wyden's Secretary. She is also looking into getting a group of over twenty people together to meet in Washington, D.C. for a meeting. She believes it is extremely important to keep the birth center open. She continued to share some of the birth stories she collected, including her own. Ms. Hobbs expressed her concerns about deaths attributed to road closures during the winter months. She also explained that even as an older community, they would need to rely on a younger community to survive.
Commissioner Nichols thanked Ms. Hobbs for the work she had done. He explained that the issue has many more aspects than just the birth center closure. If the issue is not resolved, they will begin to lose teachers, businesses, medical providers and staff, and people in general will move away. It will be increasingly difficult to attract people to the County because it is not as safe as it used to be. The hospital provided fantastic services; unfortunately, they have put money ahead of safety and healthcare. He is glad that Eastern Oregon Medical Associates and Saint Alphonsus are here. Still, he hopes they will not eliminate this service as Baker County is isolated in the winter.
Commissioner Alderson added that there are economic development aspects that he hasn't been able to address as they are still looking at the safety aspect. They are trying to bring in housing, business, and tourism opportunities, and this goes against everything they have been working towards.
Commissioner Witham explained that there is much anxiety for those currently expecting, including Commissioner Alderson and his wife. Commissioner Alderson explained that they are looking at having to move to the Boise, ID, area for at least two weeks if the birth center closes. They are fortunate to have family to stay with, transportation, family leave, and the financial ability. Commissioner Witham and Commissioner Alderson agreed that many do not have the same ability.
Paige Witham of Baker City reported that she just gave birth to her son three weeks ago at the Saint Alphonsus Birth Center. She expressed that while they recognize this is not a county issue, she does believe that an avenue to pursue would be a community-funded hospital. She explained that Wallowa County has a fantastic hospital and healthcare in general. She requested an update on that avenue. She added that it is not only the birth center, but the ICU is also closed, and it is another matter of big business putting the dollar before the person. She believes that it has to change.
Salli Hysell, Halfway City Recorder/Manager, was present on behalf of Halfway Mayor Nora Aspy. Ms. Hysell read a letter written by Mayor Aspy opposing the Saint Alphonsus birth center closure.
The Commissioners thanked Ms. Hysell for making the drive down.
c. Emergency Management Update ~ Jason Yencopal, Director
Jason Yencopal, Emergency Management Director, was present to give an update. He clarified that this is an update on current OB and/or fire department issues. He asked if there was any further information that Commissioner Alderson needed on OB, as he had just covered the County's position on it. Mr. Yencopal added that he is looking at the team's formation and getting the command system in place for efficiency and organization.
Mr. Yencopal reported working with the fire department on developing a staffing plan. Baker City is still searching for a full-time fire chief. They might see something on the next Baker City Council meeting agenda if they have a qualifying candidate.
He has been working with Ms. Holly Kerns, Planning Director, on a county-wide press release asking the community for anyone interested in volunteering in many roles, such as fire department, EMS, search and rescue, weather spotters, etc., to serve.
d. Contract Review Board
1. HR Answers Compensation Study Agreement: The Board of Commissioners accepted the proposal from HR Answers, Inc to perform a compensation and classification study for the SEIU and Non-Represented groups at the June 21st Commission Session. The agreement with HR Answers, Inc. is for approximately 269 hours for $200.00 per hour, for an amount not to exceed $55,600.00.
Commissioner Witham moved to approve the HR Answers, Inc Compensation Study Agreement for 269 hours at $200.00 per hour for an amount not to exceed $55,600.00. Commissioner Nichols seconded the motion. Motion carried.
2. Intergovernmental Agreement #180823 Tort Liability Coverage as a Provider for Psychiatric Security Review Board: Commissioner Nichols reported that this is a new but standard contract between the Oregon Health Authority and Baker County for New Directions Northeast addressing the tort liability for this type of mental health service. The State would be liable for any tort liability up to the tort liability amount at the State. New Directions Northeast has reviewed the contract and approved signing. The agreement is effective July 1, 2023, through June 30, 2025.
Commissioner Nichols disclosed that he is on the New Directions Board.
Commissioner Witham moved to approve the Intergovernmental Agreement #180823 Tort Liability Coverage as a Provider for Psychiatric Security Review Board. Commissioner Nichols seconded the motion. Motion carried.
3. USDA APHIS Wildlife Services 2023-2028 Cooperative Service Agreement No. 23-7341-6255-RA and 2023-2024 Work and Financial Plan: The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) Wildlife Services (WS) cooperative service agreement authorizes WS to conduct and be reimbursed for wildlife damage management activities in Baker County not to exceed the annual specified approved amount as set forth in the annual work and financial plan. The agreement is effective July 1, 2023, through June 30, 2028.
The annual work and financial plan defines the objectives, plan of action, resources, and budget for the cooperative wildlife services program. APHIS-WS will invoice Baker County monthly for actual costs incurred in providing service, not to exceed $41,000.00. The work and financial plan is effective July 1, 2023, through June 30, 2024.
Commissioner Nichols moved to approve the Cooperative Service Agreement No. 23-7341-6255-RA for the USDA APHIS WS effective July 1, 2023, through June 30, 2028, and work and financial plan for $41,000.00 effective July1, 2023, through June 30, 2024. Commissioner Witham seconded the motion. Motion carried.
4. DA: DOJ Child Support Services Cooperative Agreement No. 23492: This is a five-year cooperative agreement between the Oregon Department of Justice, Baker County, and the District Attorney for Baker County for child support services.
Commissioner Nichols moved to approve the Cooperative Agreement for Child Support Services. Commissioner Witham seconded the motion. Motion carried.
e. Assessor/Clerk/Treasurer Compensation Discussion: During the Budget Board meeting, the Commissioners discussed the compensation for the Assessor, Clerk, and Treasurer, who are paid approximately $750.00 under the highest-paid non-represented position. The Assessor, Clerk, and Treasurer all agree they would like to see their salary moved from the current $83,616.00 to the $85,000.00-$87,000.00 range before the compensation study is complete. They would like the Commissioners to consider approving the requested increase in salary.
Commissioner Witham moved to approve increasing the Assessor, Clerk, and Treasurer compensation to $85,000.00 per year. Commissioner Nichols seconded the motion. Motion carried.
6. Documents to be Signed
a. Baker Co. Mental Health Advisory Council/Local Alcohol and Drug Planning Committee Bylaws:
Consensus was to table the Baker Co. Mental Health Advisory Council/Local Alcohol and Drug Planning Committee Bylaws until the next Commission Session.
b. Order No. 2023-134 Designating Baker City Herald as Paper of Record.
Commissioner Nichols moved to approve Order No. 2023-134. Commissioner Witham seconded the motion. Motion carried.
c. Order No. 2023-135 Re-Appointing Ginger Savage to the Baker County Cultural Coalition for a term set to expire July 1, 2026.
Commissioner Witham moved to approve Order No. 2023-135. Commissioner Nichols seconded the motion. Motion carried.
d. Order No. 2023-136 Re-Appointing Mary Apple, Robert Kleng, and Bryan Tweit to the Early Learning Regional Council for a term set to expire June 30, 2025.
Commissioner Nichols moved to approve Order No. 2023-136. Commissioner Witham seconded the motion. Motion carried.
e. Order No. 2023-137 Appointing Tammie Blessing to the Early Learning Regional Council for a term set to expire June 30, 2025.
Commissioner Nichols moved to approve Order No. 2023-137. Commissioner Witham seconded the motion. Motion carried.
7. Ratification of Documents
a. Financial Reports: C19, C20, C21, C22, C23, C24, C88, C89, C90, C91, C92, and the Treasurer’s Financial Report for May.
Commissioner Nichols moved to approve the aforementioned financial reports. Commissioner Witham seconded the motion. Motion carried.
8. Other Business:
Discussion: Commissioner Alderson made a statement to address previous requests. He stated, “We do not support or condone any discriminatory comments or actions. The County has and will continue to offer services to all citizens of all backgrounds, perspectives, and lived experiences.”. He explained that the continuing mission of the County is to serve everyone that comes through here and decides to live here and has been here for many years.
Jeana Phillips thanked Commissioner Alderson for making that statement. She added that she would like the statement visible through the tourism board, Travel Baker County, or other spaces where people will see it.
a. Commissioner Update:
· Commissioner Witham reported that she would attend the BIC meeting on July 14th. She does have a few revisions for the cooperative agreement to take to the BIC.
· Commissioner Alderson reported that he would continue to work on the hospital birth center closure. He will contact the City of Richland to see their preference for the delivery of the Park Waterline Letter of Agreement. He also has a Prison Advisory Council meeting on July 20th.
· Commissioner Nichols reported that on July 14th, he will attend a Zoom call for the OBO regarding broadband. They will meet on the first Friday of every month to educate public officials on broadband. He is also continuing to work on gathering information regarding the Mosman Decision.
b. Comparison of Calendar: July 12th there will be a Work Session at 9:00 a.m. followed by a Mayors Meeting at 10:00 a.m.
9. Adjournment
Commissioner Nichols moved to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Witham seconded the motion. Motion carried.
The July 5, 2023, Commission Session adjourned at 10:20 A.M.
Respectfully Submitted,
Erin Linan
Management Assistant |