The Baker County Board of Commissioners met for the May 31, 2023 Special Commission Session. Present were Commissioner Shane M. Alderson, Commissioner Christina Witham and Commissioner Bruce A. Nichols.
1. Call to Order/Invocation/Pledge of Allegiance
Commissioner Alderson called the meeting to order and led the invocation and the pledge of allegiance.
2. Agenda Changes/Additions to the Agenda
a. None
3. Scheduled Business
a. Contract Review Board
1. Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) Work Group: Statewide Transportation Improvement Fund (STIF) and Federal Transportation Administration (FTA) 5310 Fund Recommendation Approval:
Ms. Doni Bruland, Park/Natural Resource Director, reported that the Transportation Advisory Committee reached a consensus on recommendations included in the draft contracts. She explained that Ms. Kim Mosier, County Counsel, had written the original contracts, and she will have Ms. Mosier review them again.
They were able to spend all of the money, and the projects are very similar to the previous biennium. Ms. Bruland gave examples of some changes, including Work Force on Demand requesting fewer funds and Community Connections requesting funds to provide free fares currently costing $1.00. Community Connections experienced mechanical issues last biennium and chose to use funds for maintenance instead of purchasing a new vehicle. She added that it includes non-routine maintenance costs of over $1,000.00.
Today they are reviewing the contracts between Baker County and Elkhorn Taxi and Baker County and Community Connections. Ms. Bruland explained that Step Forward had submitted a proposal before the RFP during the regular application process. The workgroup agreed that due to Step Forward's contributions to the community and disabled citizens, they would like to award them the funds requested as long as Ms. Mosier advises.
Commissioner Alderson and Nichols requested further clarification on Step Forward's submissions. Ms. Bruland explained that Step Forward applied during the regular application process before the RFP started in December. Commissioner Nichols asked if the State was okay with Step Forward's application and submissions. Ms. Angie Jones, ODOT RTC, was present via Zoom and explained that it is in the STIF plan and is specific to that vendor. However, they did not submit an RFP, so it would be ideal to open the RFP for a couple of weeks to allow them to resubmit unless legal counsel advises otherwise.
Commissioner Alderson requested that Ms. Mosier speak on the issue. Ms. Mosier explained that as she has not had adequate time to review the topic, she may advise revisiting the issue to allow her time to review it. She believes that there is a process that they can look at to reopen the RFP to allow Step Forward time to resubmit. Ms. Bruland added that they are fortunate that this is only for the population funds, which used to be the Statewide Transportation Fund and is population-based funding client-only services. Step Forward is the only applicant that is in that category.
Commissioner Alderson asked Ms. Jones if Elkhorn Taxi is eligible under FTA 5310. Ms. Jones explained that Elkhorn Taxi is eligible for the services discussed at the workgroup meeting, including after-hours when CCNO is not operating. Ms. Bruland added that she included those specifications in the contract. Commissioner Alderson asked Ms. Jones if she was comfortable with what was included and if it satisfied the requirement. Ms. Jones agreed that she is comfortable with it, and it does fulfill the requirement.
Commissioner Nichols believes it would be best to allow Step Forward to resubmit their RFP. Ms. Jones agreed and explained that this is a separate project in the STIF application and does not involve the other two vendors, so ideally, it would be best to reopen the one section and allow Step Forward to resubmit. However, she does not suggest doing anything against legal counsel advice. Ms. Mosier added that if they decided to reopen that portion of the RFP, it needs to be clear which part is reopening. It must be advertised and clear that it is open to any provider, not only Step Forward.
Commissioner Nichols requested clarification on the contracts for Elkhorn Taxi and Community Connections, as there seemed to be two for each entity. Ms. Bruland explained that each entity has one for STIF state funds and another for federal transportation funds, similar to the previous biennium. As a part of the application to the State of Oregon, she included operating costs this time that can be used to create, enhance, or modify projects.
Commissioner Alderson asked Ms. Bruland if she had scores or a written recommendation from the workgroup. Ms. Bruland explained that the workgroup did not have a written recommendation and made their recommendation by consensus. Their handouts today include a summary of the projects and the not to exceed costs associated with each one. The process was going through each project individually and discussing it with the workgroup. Commissioner Alderson explained that without a final recommendation signed off by the workgroup, he has nothing to base a motion on.
Commissioner Nichols discussed the $140,000.00 maintenance fund to be shared between Elkhorn Taxi and Community Connections. He suggested defining a maximum that can go to any entity, as Community Connection's maintenance expenses could cost far more than Elkhorn Taxi's. Elkhorn Taxi's Workforce on Demand contract is $40,000.00, and Community Connection's is substantially more. Ms. Bruland explained that in the $140,000.00, there is a request to set aside $100,000.00 for purchasing an ADA vehicle and $40,000.00 for maintenance. Commissioner Nichols clarified that it does not specify that in the contracts. Ms. Mosier explained that if any of the conditions are changed, it should be in writing. Ms. Jones added that any leftover money from this pot would roll over and could be added to the next STIF plan for the 2025-27 cycle.
Ms. Martin suggested that if the Commissioners wanted more information, such as the minutes, it could be put together, and this could be set aside until next week. Commissioner Alderson explained that he would prefer that as he doesn't feel like he has a finished product without having some record with an official recommendation.
Ms. Jones asked if the week gap would provide time for CCNO and Elkhorn Taxi to review the contracts and have any concerns ready for the next meeting. She added that there is a deadline; if it is not signed and in place by the end of June, the potential for service disruption is huge. Commissioner Alderson and Nichols agreed that that would be the best way to move forward. Commissioner Witham explained that the contracts looked good to her and that she would be fine with approving them today.
Ms. Mosier added as there may be some additional terms that were discussed with the committee yesterday, such as emergency purchases. If that agreement has been made or is part of the negotiation between the committee evaluating the RFPs and the County, it should be in the contract. She continued that it seemed like, within the next week, they would look at reposting the RFP for a specific funding source, ensure the contracts reflect the agreements between the providers and County, pull together a written recommendation or review the minutes, and as suggested by Ms. Jones that the providers gather any questions or concerns about the contracts.
The consensus was to follow through with the items Ms. Mosier discussed and to revisit the topic at the regular Commission Session on June 7th.
4. Other Business
a. None
5. Adjourn
Commissioner Nichols moved to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Witham seconded the motion. Motion carried.
The May 31, 2023, Special Commission Session adjourned at 9:40 a.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Erin Linan
Management Assistant |